
Summary: "When Jesus was born… there came wise men… to worship him…." Jesus Himself said that those who are true worshipers will worship God in Spirit and in truth. What kind of worship do you bring to the King of Kings?

INTRO: It has been said, “wise men still seek Him,” and rightly so! But those who are truly wise don’t just seek Him, they find Him, worship Him, and follow Him in faithful obedience all the days of their lives. True worship is not just in word, but in deed.  

 1. A Worshipful Response - Thus, one who is a true worshiper of the Lord Jesus Christ will live a life wholly yielded unto Him. Such a worshipful response releases God’s protection and provision. God takes care of His own, i.e., divine intervention! 

A. An Ungodly Response - That is exactly what happened on behalf of the Christ Child. King Herod planned to kill the newborn King, but God’s plans and purposes always prevail. 

B. A Godly Response - So, in response to God’s instructions to the wise men—as true worshipers—they chose to follow The Higher Power by obeying God instead of King Herod. Likewise, Joseph (Mary’s husband) obeyed instantly when God spoke to Him. He immediately arose and took his family to Egypt for safekeeping until God showed him it was safe to return. So, we see that divine intervention requires human co-operation. And that means you and me!?

2. Divine Intervention - Just as God chose to intervene in the lives of the Christ Child, the wise men, and Joseph so He desires to work in your life too. God wants to be actively involved in the lives of all His people. He stands ready to intervene in any and every situation you go through, but that requires your co-operation.  

A. Oh Come All Ye Faithful - Therefore, you must trust Him with your life and follow His leading for your life. You must respond in faithful obedience to His promptings. As you do, He will direct your path. The Holy Spirit will warn you when there is danger, equip you to face every challenge and empower you to accomplish every task. As a result, you will experience the Lord’s protection and provision every step of the way. 

B. Come Let us Adore Him - Then, your worship will become a way of life—a daily routine—not just an occasional religious ritual. You will be able to worship God in Spirit and in Truth. You will be a true worshiper, as well as a very wise man or woman!

A Prayer of Adoration - “Dear God, As the sovereign ruler of the universe, You alone are worthy of worship. I desire to worship You in deed, not just in word. Therefore, I yield myself to You so that You can work through me. Cause me to obey Your Spirit’s promptings in faithful obedience. Then, I will be a true worshiper whose life is a praise unto You.”

Dr Lewis Gregory © 2022

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