Stuck In Bed Series
Contributed by Chip Monck on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the third in a series exploring keys to living a life of freedom and spiritual victory in 2007. This message explores a spirit of passivity that can keep us from the battle.
(Extensive inspiration and quotation for this sermon taken from "This Day We Fight" by Francis Frangipane.)
All right. . .here we go. We have been building block upon block over the past three weeks. Taking steps towards a declaration that this year we win!
Week #1 – We followed up Christmas by beginning to make the transition from Matthew chapter 1 to Revelation. From the infant, baby Christ child, to Jehovah-Sabbath. We began reconnecting with the pre-incarnation revelation of Jesus to Joshua as the mighty warrior, sword drawn, ready for battle. The Lord of Hosts. The God of Armies. The one who contends with those who contend with you.
Week #2 – With the Lord of Hosts ready to fight for him, with the prophet Elisha prepared to pour out a blessing upon him, we saw King Joash take on the role of the passivist. The wimp. The man that the history of kings say that he was. A man who lacked character. Who failed to live obedient to God. And who at his divine moment responded with three wimpy strikes of an arrow. The result? Three partial defeats of the Syrians, but never full victory.
We have seen a significantly different picture in Psalm 18. A picture of King David pursuing his enemies, and not just until he had them beat. Until he had consumed them. Struck them through. Destroyed them. Put them in his past with full, complete, decisive victory.
This is the kind of victory that I hope and pray each of us are striving for in those areas of our lives where Satan has nagged us, annoyed us, hounded us, even oppressed us. Those areas in our lives where it is time to turn, face our enemy, get angry with Satan, and in an unrelenting show of force with the Lord of Hosts as our strength – strike him through.
That’s the recap. If you missed any of it, go to stonewallwesleyan.com and download the message manuscripts. Or get a copy of the tapes, and listen to them on your way to work. Two critical messages towards making 2007 a year of victory in our lives.
However, you may remember that at the end of last week I indicated that there was another option. And this week, we are going to look at that option, and the potential results of choosing that option.
I think there is an old saying that goes something like, “the less said, the better.” Right? Ever heard that phrase or cliché used? “The less said, the better.” Well, never has that probably been truer than in one particular time of David’s life.
Turn with me to I Chronicles 20. I Chronicles 20, verse 1 (read through verse 3).
The less said, the better. I guarantee you that King David would agree with that saying in this case. As we have it in I Chronicles 20, it is time to go to war. So Joab leads out the armed forces while David remains in Jerusalem. When the victory is complete, David shows up on the scene, tries on the crown, likes the fit, gathers all the spoils of war, enslaves the enemies people, and marches back to his palace in Jerusalem.
Enough said, right? Well, maybe not. How about the same story. . .different location. Turn over to 2 Samuel 11. 2 Samuel 11, verse 1 (read). Sound familiar?
Now jump ahead to chapter 12, verse 26 (read through verse 31). Have you heard this anywhere else? Same battle we saw in I Chronicles.
There is however, one problem. One fairly large problem. One almost two chapter problem. The problem would be 2 Samuel 11:2 through 2 Samuel 12:25. That would be the problem that probably makes King David a great deal fonder of the Chronicles account versus the Samuel account. That would be the problem that would probably make King David very fond of the cliché, “The less said, the better.”
Unfortunately, that problem is there. 2 Samuel 11:2 (read through verse 27).
This is a big mess, with plenty to unpackage. A big mess that includes the death of this baby. A big mess that is just the beginning of the unraveling of King David’s reign, and more importantly, King David’s household and his failure as a husband and father.
But there are plenty of places where you can hear plenty of sermons about all that. Today’s message is much easier than that. It is option B.
Remember, option A is going to war against the enemy with the Lord of Hosts at your side. Or, to be more accurate, the Lord of Hosts going before you to slay the enemy. That is option A. Today is about option B.
And option B is found right there in 2 Samuel 11:1 (read).