Sharing Jesus In Practical Ways Series
Contributed by Richard Burkey on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus in Matthew 10:42 when he speaks of sharing a cup of cold water is speaking of the practicality of living the Christian life. Christianity and our relationship with God is personal, but not meant to be private. Our life with God is a life that is des
The Great Life: Sharing Jesus in Practical Ways
June 29-30, 2002
Matthew 10:40-42 (New International Version)
40”He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me. 41Anyone who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and anyone who receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man will receive a righteous man’s reward. 42And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.”
INTRODUCTION: Servant Evangelism.
Jared and his dad were playing a game of catch one afternoon, when Jared asked, “Dad, is there a God?”
Joe had the same helpless feeling he experienced on the high school baseball team when he lost sight of a fly ball in the blazing sun. He didn’t know whether to move forward, backward, or jus stay put. A string of trite answers raced through his mind. In the end Joe opted for honesty, “I don’t know, Jared,” he replied.
Yet Joe’s agnosticism failed to stifle his son’s curiosity. Jared dug a little deeper, “If there is a God, how would you know him?”
“I really have no idea, Jared. I only went to church a couple of times when I was a kid, so I don’t know a lot about those kinds of things.
Jared seemed deep in thought for a few minutes as the game continued. Suddenly, he headed for the house. “I’ll be right, back,” he yelled over his shoulder. “I have to get something.” Jared soon returned with a mylar balloon fresh from the circus along with a pen and an index card.
“Jared, what in the world are you doing?” Joe asked.
“I’m going to send a message to God – airmail,” the boy earnest replied. Before Joe could protest, Jared started writing on the index card, “Dear God, if you are real and if you are there, send people who know you to Dad and me.”
Joe kept his mouth shut, not wanting to dampen his son’s enthusiasm. This is silly, he thought as he helped Jared fasten the card to the balloon’s string. But God, I hope you’re watching, he added to his silent petition. After Jared let go of the balloon, father and son stood with their faces to the sky and watched it sail away.
Two days later, Joe and Jared pulled into a free car wash that a church was holding as part of their outreach into the community on a Saturday morning. “How much?” Joe asked as neared the line of buckets, sponges and hoses.
“It’s free,” the guy told him. “No strings attached.”
“Really!” Joe exclaimed. He was intrigued by getting something for nothing. “But why are you doing this?”
“We just want to show you God’s love in a practical way.”
It was as if that simple statement opened a hidden door to Joe’s heart. The look on his face was incredible, “Wait a minute,” he practically shouted. “Are you guys Christians?”
“Yeah, we’re Christians,” the man replied.
“Are you the kind of Christians who believe in God?”
The man couldn’t help but smile, “Yes, we’re that kind of Christians.”
After directing a big grin at Jared, Joe proceeded to tell the story of releasing the helium balloon with its message only days earlier. “I guess you’re the answer to one of the strangest prayers God’s ever received,” Joe said.
Folks, that is the story of a church in Ohio that is committed to what they call servant evangelism which is defined as, “Servant evangelism is demonstrating the kindness of God by offering to do some act of humble service with no strings attached.” – Steve Sjogren (story from Steve Sjogren)
Jesus in Matthew 10:42 when he speaks of sharing a cup of cold water is speaking of the practicality of living the Christian life. Christianity and our relationship with God is personal, but not meant to be private. Our life with God is a life that is designed to touch others in practical ways. Today let’s look at 3 principles to
Share Jesus in Practical Ways
PRINCIPLE 1. DO the small thing to show the main thing of God’s love at work. Liz Norton sent this e-mail with this “What would you do challenge?” You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night. You pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for the bus:
1. An older woman who looks as if she is about to die.
2. An old friend who once saved your life.
3. The perfect man (or) woman you have been dreaming about.
Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing that there could only be one passenger in your car. This is one of those moral/ethical dilemmas once used as part of a job application.