Our God Reigns Supreme! Series
Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jan 4, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: Isaiah moves on to greater heights as the time of desolation begins to fade into oblivion in light of the glory which is to come. As the Good News is announced, a new awareness of what God is going to do bursts upon God’s people.
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ISAIAH 52: 7–12
Our passage in Isaiah moves on to greater heights as the time of desolation begins to fade into oblivion in light of the glory which is to come. The reference to the beautiful … feet of him that brings good tidings (Isa 52:7) is certainly familiar from its New Testament usage (Rom 10:15; Eph 6:15).
So a new awareness of what God is going to do bursts upon God’s people. Those who understand it as good news will celebrate in its glory and joy. As marvelous as this creation is and as faithful as God’s providence has been, it is redemption that is man’s greatest hope and blessing. For without redemption, the promises of life and providence are thwarted. The fallen world is caught in the bondage of sin and decay. Creation is fatally marred and providence only makes its fall bearable. If deliverance from sin and its effects are possible, then the erring children of creation may yet be led by God’s providence to the Father’s home. Such news would be cause for the greatest joy and the greatest glory would be for the One who could cause it to become truth and reality.
God’s Good News messengers are honored in verse 7 because they proclaim His salvation. “How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, Who announces peace and brings good news of happiness. Who announces salvation, and says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
The home going of the Jews from Babylon to their own land, the promised land, is used as an application for the preaching of the gospel by the apostle Paul in Romans (10:15) for it plainly suggests that that deliverance was a type and figure of the redemption of mankind by Jesus Christ. Israel’s return to the land of promise is here said to be their redemption out of Babylon.
This release and return home were most certainly “good news.” Tidings (mebaser) means to “preach or carry good news.” It certainly anticipates the gospel (good news) of the New Testament.
The good news of God’s message is that of peace (shalom) and salvation (yeshuah, the basis of the name Joshua or Jesus). In contrast to the degradation that Israel had known under its foreign captors, they would come to the glorious realization that their God reigns! He is in control.
Where God reigns, peace, goodness, and salvation follow. All things will be as God designs and His good purposes will be realized. It entails a freedom from every bondage, but particularly the bondage of sin. God has & will demonstrate that under His reign is glorious freedom.
Though Israel experienced great joy at the return from Babylon in 536 B.C., the joy Isaiah wrote about in 52:7-8 will find is final fulfilment when Israel’s Messiah returns to Zion to reign. God’s kingdom will come in majestic fulness at the second coming of Christ (Rev. 19:6).
Instead of announcing a message of impending judgment or doom, in verse 8 the watchmen lift up their voices and sing praises unto the King of heaven who has delivered His people and is bringing them to Zion. Zion is the spiritual center of the promised land. The LORD coming to Zion with His people means He is reestablishing Israel back into their homeland. Thus, all the people shall break forth into joy, singing praises unto the God who again is dwelling with His people.
In verse 9 the broken places are called upon to join the joyful praise because of God’s redemption of His people. “Break forth, shout joyfully together, You waste places of Jerusalem; For the LORD has comforted His people, He has redeemed Jerusalem.”
Redemption brings restoration, not only for His people but also for their home as we read that God not only “comforts His people” but He also “has redeemed Jerusalem.”
In anticipation of the victory of God that will bring us to our promised land in the new heaven and the new earth we too should give thanks and joyfully shout. To give thanks in advance is the highest form of faith. The person praising God for what he or she does not yet possess is the person who truly believes the promises of God.
The power of God’s salvation is illustrated in verse 10 by the Lord making bare His holy arm (rolling up His sleeves) in order to deliver His people before the nations of all the earth. No longer shall His people be downtrodden by their sins, but they shall be sanctified and march homeward toward Zion in victory.