No U Turns Series
Contributed by Rick Burdette on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Faithfulness, backsliding, living for Jesus
Luke 9:62 (p734) May 20, 2012
I married a native Floridian…worked and lived in Florida for 2 summers…yes…those two things went together, but I noticed something about driving in Florida U turns are legal…not everywhere …but in a lot of places U turns are allowed and perfectly legal.
I will not make any snide comments about Florida drivers…about older drivers or …to be politically correct “Chronologically challenged” drivers needing to turn around because they forget where they were going.
U turns are really helpful if you’re headed in the wrong direction and need to get back on course quickly…”Man, I missed my street…let’s do an U’eee”
[A Senior citizen was driving down the freeway when his wife called his cell phone. “Herman, I just heard on the news that there’s a car going the wrong way on the Gene Snyder…Please be careful- - It’s not just one car said Herman. [“It’s Hundreds of them!”] Herman needed to do an U’eee bad!
But there are places that U turns are dangerous…U turns just aren’t allowed. And one of those places is in the Kingdom of God….One of those places is on the narrow road of discipleship as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)
When it comes to following Jesus…”No U turns allowed”
Let me be perfectly clear about this road sign and what it means and doesn’t mean in our lives…first of all
There were individuals, and we talked about them last week in Romans chapter 6 that wanted to use their salvation as a means to continue in sin…but not be accountable. Basically it’s….”I don’t want to change the road I’m on…but I’d prefer it not lead to destruction.”
So, I want to continue in my own selfishness and sin, but I want to go to heaven because I’ve said a prayer or “got baptized”
That‘s the very reason the apostle Paul wrote
Romans 6: 1-4 (p799)
What the apostle is clearly saying is…when you were buried with Christ in baptism…you surrender control of your life...you changed roads…and now Jesus drives the car… not you. His Spirit, guides you, convicts you, and comforts you. It’s a brand new you on a brand new journey…headed in a brand new direction… We’re going from death to life…like going from darkness to light.
“You can’t put new wine in old wineskins or sew a new patch on an old garment…just doesn’t work!” (Luke 5: 36-39)
Our battle with sin isn’t over…but the wineskin is new….the garment that needs patching is new... It’s not a coincidence that Romans Chapter 7 flows from Romans chapter 6…Romans chapter 7 reveals a disciples struggle with sin….How God’s law reveals what is right and what is wrong…and through this revelation we become conscious of how sinful we are.
It becomes an inner battle for the disciple of Christ…I now know what God wants me to do, but still struggle with what my selfish desires pull me toward.
Romans 7: 21-25 (p 800)
Sin will always be a struggle for every person who follows Jesus as long as we are in these bodies…Jesus is not my excuse to continue in Sin….He is the only way I can have victory over sin…He is the only way I can be free from its ownership. He now owns what sin use to. It’s this truth that gives us the victory…Its faith in Him that sets us free from the rigid requirements of the law.
The reason there are no “U” turns on this road of discipleship….is
Not only is He the only way home…He showed us the way to get there…He built a bridge spanning a compass of sin…
I am going there (my father’s House) to prepare a place for you I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” (John 14: 2, 3)
Jesus then looks at his followers and says…”You know the way home!”
And Thomas says, “Lord we don’t know where you’re going…We’re never been to your home.
Jesus says, “I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life…no one comes to my father’s house except through me.”
Following Jesus is the only way home…the only way to His dad’s house.
You can get to Chicago from Louisville, 3 different ways…but there is only on road from here to heaven! Listen to the promises made in Luke 9:57….As Jesus and the disciples we’re walking along the road, a man said to him…I will follow you wherever you go.”
That’s some kind of promise isn’t it?!! It’s kinda like when Peter said, “All these others might deny you, but I never will!”