Jesus, In Your Home Series
Contributed by Shawn Drake on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 3rd sermon in the series "When Jesus Comes To Your Town". This series is based on the "Passion Week".
Series: When Jesus Comes To Your Town [#3]
Mark 14:1-11; John 12:1-11
I enjoy almost everything about having company come to my home. I enjoy eating, playing games, talking, etc… The part of company that I don’t enjoy is the preparation. Now most of the time we have a rule at our house that says, “If you can’t handle our mess either close your eyes or don’t come”; but there are times that this is unacceptable.
What if I told you that Jesus would be coming to your house tomorrow for dinner, how would you prepare? Would you have to hide some things away in the closets? Would you have to prompt everyone on what to say and what not to say?
In Mark 14:1-11 Jesus was in the home of Simon the Leper and an unnamed woman anointed Jesus with expensive oil. Many scholars believe that this was Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus because there is a very similar story in John 12. Since the homes are different homes in the 2 stories and the number of days before Passover are different we know that it is 2 different stories; but we are going to use the more familiar passage from John 12 this morning. As we look at the 3 recorded times in Scripture that Jesus went to the home of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary; I want you to ask yourself which 1 of the 4 categories of people do you fall into?
Worker (Martha)
Every time Jesus was in their home you find Martha serving, greeting, inviting, etc… Martha was definitely gifted with the gift of hospitality.
The 1st time Jesus stopped at their home, Martha became a little agitated with Mary as Mary sat down while she worked.
Luke 10:38-42
The next time we find Jesus at their home, it was because Lazarus had died. It was Martha who went out to greet Jesus. Even in her time of grieving she made time to be a good hostess. On this day this “good hearted” person became alive through her confession of Jesus.
John 11:17-27
On this 3rd visit we again find Martha working. She was serving dinner to everyone.
John 12:1-2
I do want to point out that this time she did not complain about what others were doing or not doing. I believe that the attitude change occurred at the 2nd visit. See, there are people who are outwardly good who are spiritually dead. I know someone who would do anything for you that she could, but if she died today would not be in Heaven.
Once a person believes in their heart and confesses with their mouth that Jesus Christ is the son of God raised from the dead; then there should be a change of attitude and motives.
If you are a worker, praise God! Workers are few. Just remember Who you serve and that your reward is not here but in Heaven.
The Lord has sent us a worker today to share with us about the Gideon Ministry. These men have to pay all their own expenses and do this to the glory of God.
[Gideon Speaker]
[Video Clip: “Heart Of Worship”]
[Song: “Heart Of Worship”]
Worshipper (Mary)
Each time we find Jesus at their home we find Mary in a very humble place, at the feet of Jesus.
Luke 10:38-42
This 1st visit with Jesus was spent at His feet listening while He taught. At first glance it seems that Mary is lazy and trying to get out of work; but as Jesus said, “Mary has chosen what is better”. Don’t get me wrong, we need workers; but more importantly, we need to learn from Jesus. This proves that point that we can get our focus off the “main thing” even though we are doing a “good thing”.
John 11:28-32
This time Mary was at Jesus’ feet in great sorrow. When life deals us difficult situations we need to fall at the feet of Jesus. Jesus hurt for his friends, that’s why He cried.
John 12:3-8
On this visit Mary did something very unexpected, she poured expensive oil on Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair. I want you to notice a couple of things about her worship of Jesus.
1. She did not put a price on worship.
2. She didn’t allow critics to hinder her worship.
3. She humbled herself before Jesus and focused on Him.
Wrong-Doer (Judas Iscariot)
Each time you find Jesus encountering people, you will find someone else trying to tear Him down. One of these “wrong-doers” was Judas Iscariot.
John 12:4-6
Judas is proof that just because you are in close proximity to Jesus doesn’t save you. Judas was only concerned about monetary and worldly things. The more money in the account, the more money he had access to.