
Summary: The joy of the Lord is my strength

Christmas 2024: God of Joy

Luke 1:26-33

Good morning everyone. Christmas 2024-

Calendar spins don’t it, the months fly bye.

Here we are 10 days before Christmas.

I know there are some procrastinators here this morning that will be running out of here to finish up their gift giving.

People who have put it off, didn’t feel like shopping, and now they are at crunch time. Good Luck with that!

How many are excited for Christmas?

How many are hoping for a certain present this year? I see your hands.

How many remember the gift that Ralphie from the Christmas Story wanted?

Not just a BB Gun…He wanted a Red Rider carbon action 200 shot range model air rifle.

I hope you get what you want for Christmas…just like Ralphie.

If you are waiting for a brand new vehicle like the commercial where the car is wrapped up in his living room and the man has his fingers crossed. You might have a little harder time getting what you want.


Let’s talk Christmas… Christmas is supposed to be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

It is all about Jesus

This same baby Jesus who was born miraculously of a virgin birth, one who died on a wooden cross for our sins, then was resurrected from the grave by God the Father in a supernatural way…fulfilling prophecy and providing our way of salvation.

Not one of many ways, but the only way of salvation. It is provided by Jesus but you have to accept His salvation.

Giving each of us a choice… if Jesus Christ becomes our savior.

He is the savior of the world by what He has done…fact!

But does He become your savior?

At Christmas time, many unbelievers, and even those who procrastinate about their commitment to Him, Christmas is a time that many people struggle for the Joy that God desires us to have.

For the unbeliever, it can be a reminder of the decisions that you have made.

Agnostics who believes if there is a God you cannot know him and if he exists, he does not care or have any factor in your life.

Atheist who flatly says they do not believe in God.

I can understand how they could struggle this time of year as they hear the truth of God’s amazing love for us and they chose to reject it or dismiss it, but what about the believers who struggle this time of year?

Why don’t they have the joy of the Lord?

I want to talk a minute about how we can receive the joy of the Lord that will last all year long.

Happiness that the world offers is temporary. It is based upon external circumstances. “What’s happening now”

Godly Joy is based upon choices internal and long-lasting.

Luke 1:26-38 Read from Bible

The first enemy of Joy- Fear and anxiety

Mary had questions-

Who me! I am to carry in my belly the Son of the living God.

Why me! Angel replies, you have been chosen by God for his purpose.

Frightened and scared- do you blame her? I don’t care how long you were a Christian…that would be scary.

It is supposed to be Merry Christmas not scary Christmas.

The next question she had… how is this possible? I am sure she understood the birds and the bees.

I have never been with a man. I am sure she would know that.

God’s response to Mary-

The Holy Spirit of God will overshadow you and a miraculous conception will take place.

Oh, by the way, your cousin who could not have children and is old, she will conceive also. She is in her sixth month of pregnancy.

They did not have telephones or email.

She was hearing news that had not yet reached her by camel express.

“For nothing is impossible with God.”

Do you believe that this morning?

How would you respond? Would you have a little anxiety! A little fear?

Mary’s response-(38) “I am the Lord’s servant, may your word to me be fulfilled”

Our Christian faith sometimes takes us to where we have no choice if we are to make the right choice…but to step out in faith. Amen?

He provides as we need it, and usually at the very last minute so that we know that it is God doing it and not anything we do.

The joy of the Lord is the gladness of heart that comes from knowing God, abiding in Christ, and being filled with the Holy Spirit.

When Jesus was born, the angels announced “good tidings of great joy” (Luke 2:10) and by John’s response to hearing Mary’s voice as he “leaped for joy” in his mother’s womb (Luke 1:44).

Jesus described Himself as a bridegroom enjoying a wedding feast (Mark 2:18–20); He “rejoiced in the Holy Spirit” (Luke 10:21); He spoke of “my joy” (John 15:11) and promised to give His disciples a lifetime supply of it (John 16:24). Joy is reflected in many of Jesus’ parables, including the three stories in Luke 15, which mention “rejoicing in the presence of the angels” (Luke 15:10) and end with a joyful shepherd, a joyful woman, and a joyful father.

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