
Summary: The Favor of God is a neglected topic that robs every believer of the blessings of God.

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Walking in the Favor of the Lord

By Pastor Jerry C. Vargo - Part Three

I. Introduction.

"FAVOR is the special affection of God toward you that releases an influence on you, so that others are inclined to like you, or to cooperate with you." - Lance Wallnau

A. We have been discussing the FAVOR of the Lord. How many of you are convinced you need the FAVOR of God?

Proverbs 19:12

"The king’s anger is as dangerous as a lion’s. But his favor is as refreshing as the dew on grass."

Another version says it like this…

"The king’s anger is like the roar of a lion, but his favor is like welcome rain."

B. If your walk is dry and empty…you need the touch of the Lord’s FAVOR upon your life. It is refreshing like sweet rain on a spring day.

Proverbs 16:15

"When a ruler is happy and pleased with you, it’s like refreshing rain, and you will live."

C. Look, when you have the Lord’s FAVOR in your life, you will experience times of incredible refreshing.

D. We have looked at so many different characters in the Bible who had FAVOR—I wish I had the time to really tell all of their stories:

1. Ruth found FAVOR with Boaz – A type of Christ.

2. Hannah found FAVOR with the Priest Eli – Samuel the prophet was born and 1 Samuel 2:26 says…

"And the child Samuel grew on, and increased in FAVOR both with Jehovah, and also with men."

3. Nehemiah found FAVOR with the King—accomplished the mission of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.

4. Esther found FAVOR—so much so that the King offered her up to half his kingdom.

5. King David found FAVOR—even though he often failed. His heart was after the things of God.

II. Body.

A. Therefore, there is no doubt that the Bible promotes the principle of FAVOR. It is clear—God wants to bless us with FAVOR.

B. Lance Wallnau says that FAVOR is like being dipped in honey so that the blessings of God stick to us.

C. (Share examples of God’s Favor on your life at this point of the sermon--how he recently answered a really wild prayer as an example - I shared how God blessed me with a hot tub for free after "kind-of" praying after two years).

D. How do we get this FAVOR from God? That is what I want to deal with today. Quickly, I want to reference a few passages and talk about 3 ways to get this FAVOR:

1. Prayer Brings Favor!

A. Turn to 1 Corinthians 1:3-11.

B. Do you understand what Paul was saying here? He was saying that death was certain—the attack was beyond what any human could or should endure—it was so violent and overwhelming that he had no hope of escaping death!

C. Please understand that this was something that few if any of us have ever experienced. YET, it was through the PRAYERS of many that FAVOR was extended to Paul.

D. Those PRAYERS resulted in FAVOR. What was the FAVOR? They experienced deliverance from pending danger and death. IN ADDITION, that brought great COMFORT.

E. Listen to what the Psalmist said in Psalm 119:58:

Psalm 119:58

"I entreated Thy favor with all my heart; be gracious to me according to Thy word."

F. This word "entreated" is an interesting word. It means to "be rubbed or worn even to the point of being wounded."

G. In other words, the Psalmist is saying, "I want Your FAVOR so badly; I am going to rub up against you in prayer even if it wounds me."

H. The idea here is that if we really want God’s FAVOR…we have to go after it and seek Him until we find Him.

Transition: The second way to get FAVOR according to the book of Proverbs is a three-step process:

2. Listening, Watching, and Waiting brings FAVOR!

A. Go with me to Proverbs 8:32-36.

B. Note these three things in verse 34:

1. Listening – To listen is to perceive with interest and to obey.

Note: The Bible is filled with instructions to listen: 284 references to the word. However, God’s intent is that we listen with the heart to obey…that is what brings FAVOR.

2. Watching – To watch is to stay awake or to be alert. Notice it is DAILY.

Note: The NT is abundant with encouragement to be on the alert—especially in reference to the return of Christ.

3. Waiting – To wait is to stand guard, to observe, or to give heed.

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Dan Smith

commented on Jun 4, 2007

Pastor Vargo, Your series on favor has been a tremendous help to me and while I will not preach it as, is you will be quoted often and given credit where credit is deservedly due. Thanks for sharing

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