
Summary: Everyone has something in their life that needs to be made new.

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Three weeks ago we started our new Super Series – “Extreme Makeover: Soul Edition.”

In that first week we learned that we need a SOUL TRANSFORMATION … that means being “Jesus with skin on” more than simply wearing a “Jesus costume.” God desires for each of us to wear much more than a Christian costume …

Ephesians 4:24: “… take on an entirely new way of life … a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God reproduces his character in you” (MSG).

Last week you heard from Kerry Mannix … and she spoke about possessing a SOUL INSPIRATION … and that inspiration comes from being encouraged by God and being encouraged by those around you.

William Arthur Ward: “Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you.”

Tonight I want to speak with you guys about developing a SOUL CONNECTION with some of the students here at MSO …

Hey, there is a NEW MOVIE coming out in the fall … let me show you a little clip …

SOUND / LIGHTING TECH – Play “OutCast Away” Video – turn off the lights and make sure the volume is on …

Hey gang, have you ever felt like that?

Like you want to meet “new” people or get involved with a certain group of “potential” friends and they just let you know that there is NO ROOM in their game for you?

I have been there many times in my life … feeling like I am living in the parody video we just showed you …


Do you know why most people don’t invite others into their circle of influence? I believe it is because it is easier to RETAIN your old friends than to GAIN new friends …

Sometimes we feel awkward going up to someone new at MSO or in school and just introducing ourselves to them …

Sometimes we are really insecure about whether or not this new person will accept us, so we sit back and say nothing …

Gang – this place should be the MOST loving and accepting places in all of the world!

Some in this room are basketball greats and others are computer junkies. It does not matter whether you are a prep, a nerd, a jock, a grunger, a hip hop guru, or unlabeled.

I am just glad you are part of my family.

Christ died for all of us and sees us ALL as part of his family and because of that we should care for EVERYONE in MSO … not just those we hang out with …

Matthew 11:19: “I came feasting and they called me a lush, a friend of the riff-raff. Opinion polls don’t count for much, do they? The proof of the pudding is in the eating” (MSG).

Here’s what I want you to do … I want EVERYONE in this room tonight to GET UP and change seats … AND SIT WITH SOMEONE YOU HAVE NEVER SAT WITH BEFORE … when you get there I want you to carry out a “1 MINUTE CONVERSATION” with that person …

Ask them …

• What’s your name?

• Where do you go to school?

• What do you like to do for fun?

• How long have you been coming to MSO?

• How are you doing?

A little awkward, right?

FACT: Most students walk into this place and walk out without even having someone ask them how they are doing and actually mean it!

It is my mission to get all of us CONNECTED to one another … I know, I know … we are not all going to be BEST BUDS … but we should at least aim to know as many people’s names as possible and INCLUDE them when we are doing something special.

Let me give you some OLD info …

Let me share with you the 6 things we should do together according to Acts 2:

1. The Bible teaches us to “learn” together (“… teaching …”)

2. The Bible teaches us to “hang” together (“… fellowship …”)

3. The Bible teaches us to “eat” together (“… breaking of bread …”

4. The Bible teaches us to “pray” together (“… prayer …”)

5. The Bible teaches us to “stay” together (“… continued …”)

6. The Bible teaches us to “grow” together (“… Lord added …”)

Vesta Kelly: “Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.”

Young person, there is much that needs to be done in this community … if we decide to “stick together” - look out world – we can do anything!!!

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