Christianity On The Job Series
Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus has a plan for our work life.
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• The sign in the store window read: NO HELP WANTED. As two men passed by, one said to the other, "You should apply--you'd be great." (Principles regarding work, Decision-making and the Will of God, p. 336.)
• What is one thing that we do in which we usually spend as much or more time doing than we get to spend with our families?
• It is called a job.
• I wonder how many are as excited for Monday as they are for Friday. 2ND SERVICE.
• I wonder how many folks work as hard at trying to get out of work as they do actually working.
• According to ibtimes.com, in a November 27, 2012 web article, employers are losing $134 billion annually because of employees who are doing non-work related activities while on the time clock.
• Activities such as surfing the web, making personal phone calls, fantasy sports and such. This estimate is most likely a conservative estimate.
• Why do we work? Is it just to make some money? When we work, how are we supposed to do it, are we called to give the minimum effort or are we to give more?
• More importantly does God have a purpose in mind for the Christian as we spend 40-60 hours plus a week in the workplace?
• Is the workplace a place in which we can tell Jesus he needs to stay home or are we called to take Him to work with us?
• I remember during my almost 13 years at Square D Company really struggling with my attitude and effort at work at various times.
• In the text we are going to seek answers from God’s Word today. The text speaks of the relationship between a slave and his master. The closest thing we have to this relationship today is the employer/employee relationship.
• We are going to look at four principles of the workplace that we need to understand so that we can please and glorify God in the workplace.
• These principals can be used even if we are retired as we can reflect God’s will in our lives.
• Understanding these principles will help you to find a deeper meaning and purpose to work than just drawing a paycheck. Your work ethic will not be so affected by bosses, co-workers or other issues that tend to bring us down.
• Let us begin our trek in verse 22!
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• Colossians 3:22 (ESV) Bondservants, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not by way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord.
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I. Christians are called to display integrity on the job.
• One thing we need to realize concerning work we will usually spend 40 hours per week or more at work.
• Some people spend more quality time with their co-workers than they do with their own spouses and children.
• We spend a lot of time with people and we have a lot of influence over them. We can be one of the reasons they come to Jesus or turn away from Jesus.
• The workplace gives us an opportunity to practice what we believe and it is a place where we can display a level of integrity that matches our faith.
• I have always found it interesting that in the passage and others similar to it along with the book of Philemon, that Paul does not tell the slaves to revolt or try to run off.
• Instead he tells them something that had to be somewhat hard to swallow, OBEY YOUR EARTHLY MASTERS.
• YUK!
• Now if we translate that to the workplace, we would be told that we are to obey our employers in ALL things. The exception comes when we are told to do something that is contrary to what God tells us to do.
• Not only does Paul tell the slave to obey their earthly masters, but he takes it a step deeper and this is where the point on integrity comes in to play.
• It is pretty easy to do what the boss wants you to do when they are watching isn’t it?
• Look at verse 22 again.
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• Colossians 3:22 (ESV) Bondservants, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not by way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord.
• The Message translates this by saying: “And don’t just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best.
• When the boss is not looking, when the boss is not standing over your shoulder we are to work with a sincerity of heart.