Called To Conquer Pt.3 (Taking The Land) Series
Contributed by Mark Baker on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In this study let’s look at the ultimate goal of a conqueror. That is to take and inhabit the land that God has called us into. What would be accomplished if we could take the land, but not inhabit and maintain what we have been given?
In this third study I would like to again start with the words of the Apostle Paul, and define what a conqueror is.
Romans 8:37-39. Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
As we already said, the Greek Word for conqueror is hupernikao. Vines New Testament dictionary says that hupernikao is to gain a surpassing victory, lit., "we are hyper-conquerors," i.e., we are pre-eminently victorious. Literally, super conquerors.
In this study let’s look at the ultimate goal of a conqueror. That is to take and inhabit the land that God has called us into. What would be accomplished if we could take the land, but not inhabit and maintain what we have been given?
Lets look at the commission the Lord Jesus Himself gave us before He departed this Earthly realm.
Matthew 28:18-20. Then Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’’ Amen."
The great focus of the modern church has been to go and get people born into the kingdom. This is certainly an important first step, but that is not what Jesus said to do. He said to make disciples of all the Nations, also teaching them to observe all the things that He commanded. Lately, I have come to see this in a new light. A nation can be won to Christ but not discipled. This is a nation that can be lost as quickly as it was won. There are some real examples of this in history. The great Welsh revival of the early 1900’s transformed a nation, however approximately 100 years later, less than two percent of the nation goes to church. The impact the revival had on that nation was in itself unprecedented in modern history. However, the long lasting affects of the revival were not sustained. Regardless of the move of God, we have to look ahead through God’s eyes and see not just what He is doing, but where He is wanting to go. He always has a purpose for what He does. God doesn’t start things just to see them die out. It doesn’t have to be that way. We have been given the authority to do what He told us to do.
Think about this, Adam was given dominion over the whole Earth. Consider the implications of what that means. Man was given the ability, the desire, and the authority to walk in total dominion upon this planet. We still have this innate desire within ourselves to want to control and dominate. All you have to do is look at the mess the world is in, and you can see this for yourself. New threats of nuclear disaster are popping up every day. Nations are threating to annihilate one another. To want to control and dominate outside of the plan and purpose of God is a very dangerous thing. However, with God and within His purpose, it is the destiny we have been called to fulfill through Christ Jesus.
The authority Adam lost has been restored. Jesus said "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore. The authority has been given to me, and I am turning that authority over to you, therefore go out and make disciples of all nations. It seems Christianity has become just another religion who co-exist with everyone else. Nobody wants to offend anyone, so in the wake of political correctness we just roll over and play religion. I realize this is a harsh statement. It is not meant to offend, but to be a wake up call, and to make us realize we have a job to do.
If you have spent any time in the Old Testament you will see that here are examples for us to follow, types and shadows of what we are supposed to be. The children of Israel would not trust God, and cross into the promised land that God had ordained for them to conquer. This was a serious thing. God still loved them and took care of them. He blessed them as much as they would let Him, yet this was far below what He wanted for them. They became used to it, and their carcasses died in the wilderness. God wanted to bless them and He could not. They refused the blessing. When you are willfully disobedient to God, you refuse the blessing He wants you to have whether you realize it or not. If you look at the parallel of the modern church, you can see this same attitude. We haven’t dared to step over into what God has called us to be. In some circles if you dare step out and declare that God has given you the land, and you say that God wants me blessed and prosperous, you would be called arrogant and greedy. Many would say just who do they think they are anyway? Many have backed away from their destiny because they didn’t want to cross that line, never fully considering that it is a line that God called them to cross over. If the devil can make you think you are not worthy to cross over into your inheritance, then he has won the battle without even having to fight.