
Summary: who is Jesus Christ

Who is Jesus Christ, many will say he was a religious person, some would say he's an historic relic, or he's not relevant for today. Who is Jesus Christ, (first, second, third), He's:

1. Far Above All Principality, Power.

Who is Jesus Christ, He is far above all principality and power. He's over every satanic demon, He's over Satan, and all spiritual darkness. Ephesians 1:21 says, Christ is, "far above all principality and power." Who is Jesus Christ, He is far above all principality and power.

2. Far Above all Might and Dominion.

Who is Jesus Christ, He is far above all might and dominion. He's over soul-ties, he's over hindrances, and bad habits. Ephesians 1: 21 says, Christ is far above "might and dominion,". Who is Jesus Christ, He is far above might and dominion.

3. Far Above All The Impossibilities You May Have.

Who is Jesus Christ, He is fat Above all the Impossibilities you may have. He's over any storm, sorrow, and situation you may be facing. Ephesians 1:21 says, "Christ is over "every name that is named not only in this age but also in that which is to come." Who is Jesus Christ, He is far above every name in this name and the one that is to come.

Concl: What storm are you facing, what sorrow are you dealing with, what situation are you going through, let's come uo front and agree in prayer and praise that Christ will help you through. Remember, He's over every impossibility you have!All things are possible with Christ.

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