
Summary: Obedience and confidence in God will rid us of fear.

Obedience & Confidence in God will rid us or Fear

The Hebrew boys dared to do a:

I. Courageous Act

A. Their refusal could have been taken as an insult

1. King Neb was dangerous

2. Put out Zedekiah’s eyes (2 Kings 25:7)

3. Wise men to be slain (2:5)

4. Fiery Furnace (chapter 3)

B. Peer pressure to conform

C. Our natural reaction is to become bitter at God and refuse to obey

They used a:

II. Courteous Approach

A. ‘Requested’ (1:8)

B. Presented a fair, viable option (1:12-13)

C. ‘Counsel & wisdom’ (2:14)

D. Calmly asked for time (2:16)

E. They did not have to be brash; they were

confident that God would honor their obedience:

one way or another

They exhibited a:

III. Calm Assurance

A. Obedience & Confidence in God will rid us of fear

1. Psalm 118:6, “The LORD is on my side;

I will not fear: what can man do unto me?”

2. Psalm 27:1, “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”

B. Expressed in NT in Romans 8:28

C. Paul’s own testimony in Philippians 1:21

Do you battle with fear? Witnessing, giving, surrender,salvation

Luke 17:5 “Increase our faith”

Mark 9:24, “Lord I believe; help my unbelief”

Oh Lord, help me to trust You completely!

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