29) Once Saved - Always Saved! Series
Contributed by Brandon Max on Feb 28, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: The Bible teaches that “Once you are saved – you are always saved”. Since Christ is the one saving you, and you do not save yourself - your salvation remains eternally secure in Him.
29) “Once Saved Always Saved”
Hello Dear brethren – it’s so good to see you all again.
I have been away recently and unable to speak for these past two Thursday’s,
But I’m really looking forward to preaching the Word to you all once more today!
Our time together studying the Bible each week...
Is apart of a greater “Gospel to The Nations Ministry”...
And something I am pleased to know - many of you are now faithfully apart of.
Our weekly focus together as Brethren remains unchanged,
And that is to open the Word of God to correctly discern...
“...those things most surely believed among us” (Luke 1:1).
Of course, we can say many things about our beliefs as Christians,
But one thing we should all know for certain is that – We believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Now we have already had many lessons on the Gospel so far,
But since it has been a few weeks - I want us to just take a moment...
To recap on what we have previously learnt.
And this is time well spent in my opinion,
Because it will help us lay a good foundation for what is to follow in our lesson today.
On that note, let’s turn back to Ephesians 2:8-9.
Here the Word of our Lord declares this about the Gospel of Jesus Christ:
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Now there are a number of really important truths that God reveals here about the Gospel.
And one of the most important truths is revealed in verse 9.
This is something we must all be absolutely clear on,
Because the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is - Not of works
This is what the Bible teaches and this is what we believe!
The Gospel truth and getting saved through Jesus Christ – has nothing to do with your works.
Of course, “Works” are things that are done by us.
“Works” are physical actions.
And what the Bible teaches is that our good works - is not what the Gospel is about.
In other words, that is not how you get saved.
You do not work towards your salvation.
You do not work to earn it...
You don’t work to keep it...
Because Salvation of the Gospel is all by grace...through faith... being a gift of God,
It is Not of works!
Let me be really clear in saying this right now,
You can’t work your way into heaven – so there’s no point in any of us trying.
Jesus said – I am the way, the truth and the life...
no man cometh to the Father, but by me!!! (John 14:6)
There is only one way into heaven...
There is only one Gospel truth...
And there is only one promise of eternal life – and it is all through Jesus Christ!!!
That’s why Acts 4:12 declares: Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
You see, genuine Salvation can only come through Jesus Christ...
It has never been, nor every will be - about you or your good deeds.
Ephesians 2:9 tells us that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is...
Not of works - lest any man should boast!
And Brethren - this is what we believe. Amen!
Now, if our salvation is not received according to anything we do...
Or according to our own good works...
Then how can it be received at all? Look again to what we are told in verse 8:
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves [again it’s not about your good works]: it is the gift of God:
Three more important truths are revealed about the Gospel here,
And the first is that we are saved by “grace”!
The term Grace itself speaks of: “the loving acceptance” and “unmerited favour of God”.
In other words, God’s “Grace” is not something earned or worked for...
But rather something given in love - and which is completely undeserved.
We are only saved according to God’s Grace the Scriptures declare.
We are saved by Grace! This is the first truth verse 8 reveals...
The second truth revealed is that we are saved through Faith.
For by grace are ye saved through faith;
That term Faith is the Greek word písteos
And it simply means: “to believe”
What do you need to do in order to be saved? – The Bible says you need to believe!
You need to place your faith, hope and trust in Jesus Christ as your Saviour,