
Summary: A weekly series to help believers engage with loved ones, friends and neighbors who are dropout believers to restore them to the church - the Body of Christ.

Arrows of Truth # 26 - How can I help spread the word about Hunters of the Harvest?

We have come to the final Arrow of our 26 week series.

It’s sad but true that since 2016, out of all adults in the U.S., only 3 of 10 are currently in church. And, of the other 7 adults not in church now – 4 used to be in church! (cf Barna group 2016 survey). And since the pandemic of 2020 this number has dropped further: now only 1.5 adults out of each 7 professing Christians are left in church!! These are dropout believers. Some of these you know and care about.

And why care? Because for the most part these dropout believers have bought into the secular culture in our society and by doing so they contribute to our decline.

More importantly, by being AWOL from the church, dropouts and their families do not receive the encouragement, support and help they need to get through tough times. Most importantly, dropout believers hurt the church spiritually, physically, emotionally and financially -- because their gifts are not there.

No other nation has been "Christianized" in the last four hundred years as the United States has been. Now, a significant part of the harvest in this nation may be the harvest of the dropout believer. In order to reap this harvest, the church will have to utilize God's plan for the hour. The fisher's strategy will not work to bring in the harvest of the dropout believer. It was always designed to harvest the lost, the unsaved in humanity.

The divine power of the Hunters strategy with the dropout believer is that it fulfills the new commandment Jesus gave to us.

We have a desire and a vision of God to see a "Hunters" type ministry active in churches all across the country, through individual believers that are Spirit led to undertake this ministry and through churches that actively promote this ministry to their congregations. We pray that God will raise up a mighty army of "Hunters of the Harvest" that will touch every dropout believer.

Tip #26

If this 26-week series has been a blessing to you and given you some insights on what you can do to engage and restore dropout believers in your circle of influence, help us by spreading the word:

1. Introduce your church pastor/leader to this ministry by sending them to

2. Become a supporter of Hunters of the Harvest Ministry. Go to

3. Forward the newsletter to Christian friends.

Remember: Love never fails

For more depth on this read the Hunters of the Harvest book. To order the ministry book go to website and click Order.

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