Who Art In The Heavens Series
Contributed by Steve Malone on Apr 28, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: As we unpack these 5 words from the Lord's Prayer we will see the great truths that: God is great, God is near, and that there is always more going on than our mere eyes can see.
Who Art In The Heavens
Matthew 6:9
Dismiss Grove KIDZ
MGCC 2000 years ago…
While doing life with Jesus, His guys saw Jesus do something that really blew them away! NOW – at first glance it is not what we would think it would be…
UNDERSTAND – it was not the walking on water, the opening of blind eyes, the casting out of demons, the healing of diseased skin or even the raising up people from the dead… that blew them away…
INSTEAD – it was Jesus’ prayer life.
LIKE – they had never seen anyone pray like Jesus.
AND LISTEN – they had seen people praying their entire lives.
I MEAN – prayer was a regular part of their day.
Temple worship involved several times of prayer each day – where a priest would enter the ‘holy place’ and offer incense to God. AND MGCC - they no doubt had heard many Pharisees pray with eloquence and splendor… BUT - they had never seen anyone pray like Jesus.
QUESTION – wouldn’t you love to have a ring side seat to the Son of God praying to the Father?
I MEAN – when JESUS prayed it was beyond obvious that He was connecting to GOD in way like no one else ever had. And throughout the Gospels we see Jesus praying... a lot.
before HE began HIS ministry – Jesus prayed
when HE was attacked by the evil one - HE prayed
when HIS schedule got demanding and HE was tired and overwhelmed - He prayed
when HE had to make big decisions - He prayed
when HE suffered a lose - HE prayed
when HE was worried about HIS friends - HE prayed
when HE needed to pull away from the growing crowds and HIS growing popularity and get some perspective - HE prayed
when HE was concerned about the unity of those who would follow HIM - HE prayed
when HE faced a HUGE challenges and difficulties. HE - prayed
OKAY – so check out these words in Luke 11...
One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” He said to them, “When you pray, say: “‘Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.’ – Luke 11:1-3
YEAH – here a year plus into His ministry Jesus reminds His guys of the prayer that He first unveiled on the hillside during His Kingdom Manifesto.
A prayer we began a deep dive into last Sunday as we are continuing in our verse by verse study of the Gospel of Matthew (The King and His Kingdom).
the goal of this study is not to make you feel guilty about your prayer life. INSTEAD – throughout this study I just want to remind of the incredible reality that ‘you’ can connect to the Lord of the Universe though pray… SO THAT – you will be (encouraged, equipped and empowered) to pray more frequently and freely and naturally – to pray like Jesus.
When you boil it all down is simply, communicating, having a conversation with your heavenly Father…
That’s what prayer is.
Prayer is a believers communication with God the Father through the authority and person of Jesus Christ, assisted by the Holy Spirit.
How to use this prayer throughout this study.
- As a framework for your daily prayer...
pray this prayer stopping at each phrase turning it over In your. Or maybe pray a different phrase each... Like Monday, ‘Our Father who are in the heavens,’ Tuesday..
- As a way to help you rest in God’s presence...
Slowly repeated this prayer over and over... in the rhythm of your breathing, meditating on Scripture is very Biblical.
Our Father who art in the heavens, hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory, forever and ever. Amen – Matthew 6:9-13
OKAY – let’s try a little meditation of this prayer.
SERIOUSLY – think about it...
For 2,000 years, wherever people who love Jesus have gathered, they have prayed this prayer…
IN FACT – this week, I watched the final service for Queen Elizabeth at the Chapel in Windsor Castle.
Some were estimating that a couple billion people around the world were tuning in.
And during that service the name of Jesus was unashamedly mentioned a lot. I wish I would have counted them... And the Lord Prayer was also recited.