
Summary: Understanding the Transfiguration

“I tell you this: I want God to be what God is: the impeccably holy, unapproachable holy Thing, the all-holy One. I want him to be and remain the Holy. I want his heaven to be holy and this throne to be holy. I don’t want him to change or modify his requirements. Even if it shuts me out, I want something holy left in the universe.” AW Tozer

The Transfiguration Explained

1. This event follows Jesus telling his disciples they must count the cost, take up their cross and follow him.

2. When Jesus performs miracles, it is the kingdom of heaven invading our world and miracles is the beginning process of Jesus making all things new.

3. Moses (Represents the Law of God) and Elijah (Represents all other prophets). In other words, the sum total of the entire Old Testament was meeting Jesus at the transfiguration.

4. Peter’s focus: Build 3 tents (Peter wants to stay in this moment); the voice from heaven tells Peter and the others to listen to one (Jesus, my son).

Defining Glory

1. Glory is almost impossible to define. Its like defining beauty. It’s rather hard to describe.

2. We can, however, define glory by holiness (being set apart) so when we say God is holy, this means he is set apart / separate / in a class all by himself in his perfection, his greatness and his worth.

3. The glory of God then means the beauty of his holiness. Glory is the infinite beauty and greatness of his perfections. ((Cannot be improved upon)).

4. Glory (Verb) means to put confidence in something, to boast about something or praise something.

Isaiah 6:1-8

1. The Glory of God produces FAITH not FEAR.

a. When we are confronted by God, he always has to say “do not be afraid.

b. Do not be afraid should tell us about God’s intentions and agenda.

2. God’s glory produces MOBILIZATION.

a. We should desire to tell others because of his perfection, his goodness, etc.

Keep this a Secret

1. Why keep it a secret?

2. It would have been seen as counter productive and caused confusion. How so?

3. Sports merchandise is made for every team that makes it to the Super-Bowl with the merchandise for the losing team being discarded because the merchandise represents a false reality.

4. If the disciples make this HUGE announcement and then before it becomes reality Jesus faces his betrayal, arrest, crucifixion and death then how would that look? Not good!

5. We keep things secret because we have to speak into and on God’s timing. The secret was revealed later, following his resurrection because it shows us even more that Jesus is the Son of the Living God and he lives forever.

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