The Lord's Supper Series
Contributed by Fred Sigle on May 17, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: This is a study of the gospel of Mark regarding the life of Jesus. It is based on my personal study and research of Scripture and many books and sermons I have read over the years. (PREACHED DURING COVID LOCK DOWN)
Good morning family. Once again, I hope and pray that everyone is well, and that you are taking the necessary precautions to keep yourselves and your families safe from the COVID-19 virus. Such as SHELTERING IN and practicing SOCIAL DISTANCING. So, step back 6 feet from the MONITOR . . . a little bit FARTHER . . . Okay, that is good.
As you know, due to the restrictions of our Governor and the precautions that each of us is taking to keep us and those around us safe, we ARE NOT meeting in our building neither TODAY or next Sunday. And, if you are like me, I MISS being with my CHURCH FAMILY, but prayerfully this will all be over soon.
I am still hopeful that we will be together worshipping on Easter Sunday, which is only 2 weeks from today. So, to ensure that I will be preaching on the Resurrection from the Gospel of Mark on Easter, we are having to skip a few chapters. There’s a lot of good stuff there, so be sure to read and study what we will be missing from Mark 11:27-14:9.
A. Today we will be studying about the Lord’s Supper. Turn your Bible to Mark 14:10-26 (READ)
1. Although the Lord’s Supper was instituted by Jesus almost 2,000 years ago, it is still the CENTRAL part
of our WORSHIP today.
Although we could not WORSHIP together as a FAMILY last Sunday, the Garfield Christian Church still offered the Lord’s Supper to those who wanted to partake. Don and Kay set up a Drive-Thru Communion on our church PARKING LOT. Pam Ray helped prepare the communion.
Even though it was a COLD morning around FREEZING, Don R, Mike and Don M stood outside serving the Lord’s Supper and praying for those who DROVE up in their VEHICLES to COMMUNE with their Lord. There were approximately 30 people who were SERVED.
2. Partaking the Lord’s Supper every Sunday should be such an INTIMATE time for God’s people to
COMMUNE with Jesus Christ and REMEMBER what He did for us on the CROSS.
B. As we fast-forwarded a couple of chapters in Mark’s gospel, it is now Thursday, the day before Jesus is
1. Mark tells us that “Judas Iscariot, one of the chosen APOSTLES, went to the CHIEF PRIESTS to
BETRAY Jesus and turn Him over to them, all to their DELIGHT.”- vv. 10-11.
“The Chief Priests and the Pharisees had been looking for a way to KILL Jesus ever since He
healed a man with a withered hand in a Galilean synagogue at the beginning of His ministry”-
Mark 3:6.
2. Now they have one of Jesus own DISCIPLES who is willing to “betray Him for 30-pieces of silver”-
Matthew 26:15.
$600.00! That’s what 30-pieces of silver are worth in today’s currency. Not only that, “30-pieces of silver was what the Law required a SLAVE OWNER to be paid if a farmer’s BULL accidentally
KILLED one of his SLAVES”- Exodus 21:32. Jesus was worth the price of a DEAD SLAVE to Judas.
C. Even while knowing that Judas is planning to BETRAY Him, Jesus makes plans to enjoy a final Passover Meal with His Apostles.
I. THE LAST SUPPER- vv. 12-21
A. Mark combines the two feasts—Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread—and reminds his readers that
this was time to “sacrifice the Passover Lamb.”
1. As we talked about a couple of weeks ago, the PASSOVER commemorates the EXODUS from
The Jewish people, descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, had become OPPRESSED by Egypt. After 400 years of SLAVERY, God raised up a DELIVERER named MOSES to perform mighty miracles known of “The Ten Plagues”, all in an effort to get PHARAOH, the ruler of Egypt,
to release His people.
Moses turned all the WATERS of Egypt into BLOOD. He sent a plague of FROGS, and then GNATS, and then FLIES. He sent a plague that KILLED all the LIVESTOCK and a plague of BOILS. The plagues of HAIL and of LOCUSTS destroyed the CROPS. The ninth plague was that of DARKNESS for three days.
But it was the TENTH and last plague, which finally CONVINCED Pharaoh to RELEASE the Hebrews and allow them to LEAVE Egypt—the DEATH OF EVERY FIRSTBORN SON.
2. On the evening of the FINAL PLAGUE, Moses gave the Israelites these directions from God-
Exodus 12:24-27 (READ and COMMENT)
a. This is where the name “PASSOVER” comes from.
b. Exodus 12:29-30 tells us “that ad midnight the Lord struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, from
the firstborn son of Pharaoh to even the firstborn of all the livestock.”
There was not a house without someone dead, with the exception of the homes of the Hebrews who had taken the BLOOD of a Sacrificial Lamb and placed it on their DOORFRAMES. By the shedding of BLOOD, their firstborn sons were SAVED.