
Summary: A golden opportunity for increased popularity presents itself, but Jesus uses the occasion to talk about what glory looks like in His "upside-down" kingdom.

THE MOST POPULAR GUY IN TOWN? Jesus’ popularity reaches a new level when even the Greeks are interested in Him.

- John 12:20-22.

A RELATED IDEA? Jesus’ response is focused on glory.

- John 12:23.

- Is Jesus interested in glory the way that everyone else is or is He pointing them toward something else?


1. “I will produce overwhelming life . . . through My death.”

- John 12:24.

2. “A person can receive that life by killing their natural desires.”

- John 12:25.

3. “A person can expand that life by following Jesus’ words.”

- John 12:26.

THE RESPONSE: God the Father confirms this is the plan and the crowd confirms they don’t get it.

- John 12:27-33.

a. vv. 27-28a – Jesus confirms that this upside-down kingdom is the plan.

b. v. 28b – God the Father confirms this upside-down kingdom is the plan.

c. vv. 29-34 – The crowd confirms they don’t get it.

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