
Summary: There are so many names to describe Jesus and the best one is what He says . . . THE GOOD SHEPHERD!

Jesus is our Shepherd in the Old Testament and New Testament. There are five shepherds in the OT that also describes the type of shepherd Jesus is. 1. Abel brought a lamb to sacrificed to the Lord, thus he was a shepherd. Abel was killed by his brother because of Cain's jealousy. He hated his brother for no cause. Jesus was killed by his brothers (Jews) for no cause. Jesus was the innocent lamb and was killed. "He laid down his life for His sheep."

2. Jacob was ashepherd as he left his father's house, as Jesus did. Jacob tried to restore peace in the family, so as the purpose of Jesus's coming. Jacob was the toiler, hard worker for his sheep, protecting, feeding, as Jesus wantss to do the same with His sheep. 3. Joseph, was a shepherd, before he was traded by his brethren. He was traded for 30 shekels as Judas traded Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

4. Moses, was a shepherd after he left Egypt, for 40 years. God asked him to separate the Israelites from the Egyptians. He did then fed them in the wilderness from the manna and the rock. Jesus, our Shepherd was the Living Rock and the Bread of life. Moses was the leader that brought the people to the promise land, as our Shepherd does. Moses fought their battles as Jesus fights our battles.

5. David, the shepherd boy, was given strength and courage to fight his battles. He was the only annointed King of Israel as Jesus is God's Annointed King of Kings. The people on Palm Sunday, said, "All hail thou Son of David!" referring to Jesus.

Psalms 23 is called "The Shepherd Psalm" read by millions of people. The Lord is MY Shepherd!, with emphasis on MY, meaning He is mine! Briefly there are ten special things this shepherd does. 1. He rules. 2. He protects. 3. He restores. 4. He Binds the broken-hearted. 5. He provides food and grazing land. 6. He leads the way. 7. He goes out of his way, to find the lost one. 8. He calls them by name. 8. His only weapon is a staff and a rod. 9. he is with them 24/7 and never leaves his sheep. 10. He carries the little ones on his shoulders.

In the NT Jesus is one, the GOOD Shepherd, (John 10); two, the GREAT Shepherd, (Hebrews 13:20) and three, the CHIEF Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4). What kind of person is Jesus . . . let Him describe himself in Hiis own words. Briefly again, 1. He is the Gate Keeper, keeing watch over His sheep. 2. He is willing to lay down His life for the sheep. 3. He owns His own sheep. 4. They answer only to the Shepherd as He calls them. 5. He loves His sheep as everyone is special to Him. 6. He makes them to lie down and feel safe. 7. He wants His sheep to stay close to Him whenever they are traveling.

Jesus is the GREAT Shepherd because He has given eternal life for His sheep. (Heb 13:20) He is the CHIEF Shepherd because he is charge of his elders who are called shepherds, and He will return again with His Flock, The Church! Jesus will be wearing His Crown of Glory when He comes. (I Peter 5:4) Jesus is "Good" to me as I am a sinner; He is "Great" to me a I am His saint; And He is "Chief" to me as we are reigning with Him in Heaven.

CONCLUSION: We know Jesus as the Shepherd of our lives because He was willing to lay down His life for His Sheep! And He calls us everyday to follow Him. What a beautiful thing to know He loves us, He prays for us, He provides and protects us. He restores our soul We can now "REST IN HIS ARMS, OUR GREAT SHEPERD OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Amen.

Provided By Larry L. Vollink, retired pastor/chaplain; Cedar Springs, Mich. (616) 655-4129

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