
Summary: We know that the sperms and eggs of a male and female do not have the blood but then why we call the children as the blood of the parents. What is the DNA of Jesus in his human form. The study on genealogy explains it.

Text: Matthew 1:1-17

Theme: The Genealogy of Jesus Christ


Greetings: The Lord is good and His Love endures forever.


Introduction: ??ß??? ?e??se?? - BIBLOS GENSEOS, is translated as ‘record of the genealogy,’ ‘record of the origins,’ or ‘record of the history’. “Matthew nobly used his literary skill to become the first man ever to compile an account of the teaching of Jesus.” (Barclay).

The Apostle and Disciple Matthew was not a “pro-Jews” but a “pro-Jesus”. He presented Jesus as authentic Jewish Messiah whom Jews rejected (David Guzik). Normally, many would like to skip reading Genealogy, mostly it’s a boring passage for casual reading. But “A slower, more careful reading shows that this genealogy makes some fascinating theological and political claims. It is a new creation story” (Mitzi Minor, Professor of New Testament). A new redemptive history.

It offers a telescopic view of God’s enduring redemptive work among the people of God.  “No nation was more careful to frame and preserve its genealogical tables than Israel. Their sacred writings contain genealogies which extend through a period of more than 3500 years, from the creation of Adam to the captivity of Judah.” (Ruth 4:18-22, Ezra 7:1-5, Numbers 26:33, 27:1-11).

However, we cannot take it for granted that Genealogy is a good reliable source. Therefore, Paul warned Timothy and Titus to guard against those who were fascinated by endless genealogies which are dangerous (1 Timothy 1:4, Titus 3:9).

But on this advent Sunday, I would like to share with you through this passage, on three important points: namely , the unlimited grace, God’ uncompromising stand of God, an un fathomable plan of God.


1. God’s Unlimited grace

This genealogy records about five women of unfortunate who lived in the brim of the society, namely Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. The mediation on these vulnerable members of the society and their contexts in the Genealogy. “God can take unlikely people and use them in great ways” (Enduring Word Commentary).

These women represent the people groups of the Sinful, demeaned, refugees and hostages explains the unlimited flow of God’s grace to everyone. These four women have an important place in the genealogy of Jesus to demonstrate that Jesus Christ was not from a pure aristocratic background, a high social status Community; but Jesus identified with these demeaned people in His genealogy, as He did in His birth, baptism, life, and death on the cross (Enduring Word Commentary).

Matthew points out that Jesus’ ancestors were not a people with proud heritage. A few of them were born of incest (Perez), born of mixed races (Boaz), and born of illicit relationships (Solomon). It’s to be ashamed to talk about the genealogy of Jesus. It has the list of all sorts of people, holy and unholy, public sinners, and outcasts. But the entry of Jesus has changed their status, Jesus can use anyone for his glorious mission of redemption.


Tamar (v. 3) crossed the family boundaries and had a Misbehaviour with her Father-in-law (Genesis 38). This sexual relationship was strongly condemned by God through Levitical martial laws. Rahab (v. 5) was a prostitute and a gentile, God saved her from sin of prostitution and destruction (Joshua 2; 6:22-23). Ruth (v.5) was a widow, a Moabite, an outsider of the covenant of Israel. Bathsheba (v. 6), “Matthew peculiarly refers her as ‘Uriah’s wife,’ may be an attempt to focus on the fact that Uriah was not an Israelite but a Hittite.” (Carson).

All four were “sexually questionable”. To bring hope to their families, all four took active, even aggressive actions, which women in their worlds were not to do.’(Mitzi Minor, Professor of New Testament). And Mary (v. 16), the Virgin, poor and neglected family in Judea.

The unlimited Grace of God has come down to this downtown people of the society. His unlimited grace is available to everyone and everywhere.

2. God’s non-compromised stand

This genealogy of Jesus has the record of 42 generations. 14 from Abraham to David, 14 from David to Exile, and the last 14 from exile to Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:17).

The first fourteen names mentioned are those of the patriarchs, people such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The second fourteen are Israel's kings, especially from the Kings David and Solomon to the last king of Judah. The last fourteen are unknown biblical records who played a vital role in the coming of the Messiah. This record is an exclusive list provided by the Pharisees who survived.

The Jewish culture has the practice of "Gematria," in which they assign specific numeric values to different letters within their alphabet. The central figure in Matthew's genealogy of Christ is King David. David's name in Hebrew consist of three letters: "Dalet, Waw, Dalet." The sum of the numeric value of these three letters is fourteen (four + six + four.)

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