Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Series
Contributed by Troy Walliser on Feb 25, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Difficult circumstances that move us to GROAN for wisdom are the same circumstances God uses to GROW us in wisdom
Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
Act 21:1-26
One of the regular tasks I encounter as a pastor is I am often sought out for advice or counsel from people who are in the middle of making difficult decisions. All of us have to make difficult decisions at different times in our lives. Right now, our family is in the middle of processing and making some difficult decisions. Trent, as a senior in high school, is trying to figure out where he wants to go to college. There are all kinds of factors, pros/cons that are to be considered. What a huge decision because where he goes will determine the trajectory for the rest of his life. My newly engaged daughter Ashley is trying to decide upon a wedding venue. For some reason my advice always steers her to the least expensive option. There's obviously pros and cons to each location.
As many of you are aware some time ago God placed on the hearts of me and Amy the desire downsize our home to pursue living debt free, in order that we might free up financial resources to give more funds to missions and ministry. We put an offer on a house behind the church several years ago, didn't work out; we had a contract on another house back in January, it fell through. We made an offer on another house just this week and the sellers took someone else's offer. In that process there are hundreds of little considerations and thoughts that have to be evaluated. We receive advice and council from multiple people - all of whom love God and desire our best, but often the counsel and advice is conflicting. There's different points of view from good, godly people.
So what do we do? How do we know? Should I stay or should I go? If I go there will be trouble, if I stay there will be double. So come on and let me know, should I stay or should I go. I guarantee I'm the only pastor to quote "The Clash" this morning. We'll hear some wisdom from Kenny Rogers a little later.
This morning as we return to our ongoing series through the book of Acts, we arrive at chapter 20. And in this chapter we will encounter the apostle Paul in two different episodes. In each of those episodes he receives advice and counsel from people who love him and love the gospel; these are people who both have his best interests at heart, and the best interests of the furtherance of the gospel at heart. In one episode, he rejects the advice and counsel of his friends. In the other episode he heeds the advice.
Listen, often in the Christian life, the road ahead looks unclear, Sometimes it's difficult to find your way as a Christian when the ways are many.
Now when I say the ways are many, I'm obviously not talking about the way to heaven or the way to God. We know there is only ONE way to God, and that's through his son Jesus Christ - he is the way, the truth and the life and no one can come to the Father except through him. What I mean is how do we find the way when there seem to be multiple ways you can go and still be faithful as a Christian.
How do we figure out whose advice to follow; or which counsel is wisest? Or are there even times when the consensus among all your advisors is telling you one thing, and in your heart of hearts you know you should go in the opposite direction. How do you know?
These are the sort of questions we all have in real life. And for these kinds of questions, there's not really a verse we can point to and say, "Ah, this is the answer!" Now, for some decisions we make in life, there are verses. Should I pray? Yes, there's a verse for that. Should I share my faith? Yes, there's a verse for that. Should I gather with other believers for encouragement and worship? Yes, there's a verse for that.
But what wedding venue I choose, what college should I attend, which house should I buy - there aren't really verses for those decisions, right? Now the Bible provides a foundation of wisdom and principles from which these decisions can be made, but they're not that specific. And from the onset of this message I want you to know, the Bible passage we're looking at today won't answer all those questions either. If it did, I would have preached this message a long time ago and settled it once and for all. But as we consider this inspired account of Paul's life; a passage this is given to us for our instruction and growth; what it will do is further build upon that foundation of wisdom and principle. And it will, I trust, aid and help you in this ongoing daily struggle.