True Leadership Requires Faith Series
Contributed by Frank Lay on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Moses was one of the greatest leaders in History, especially in the Old Testament. He was the deliverer, the great law giver, the great statesman who was used mightily of God in his day. Yet had it not been for his faith, we would have never heard of Mo
Heb 11:23-29
Have faith! That is an admonition often heard, often from those who are not going through the things we are going through. Have faith in God, for faith is only as good as its object. Our faith must be in God, in his word, in his promises. “Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith has substance because it is founded upon God’s word.
Paul wrote “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.”
Last week we looked at the Faith of Abraham who became known as the father of the Faithful. This week we want to look at the faith of Moses. Moses was one of the greatest leaders in History, especially in the Old Testament. He was the deliverer, the great law giver, the great statesman who was used mightily of God in his day. Yet had it not been for his faith, we would have never heard of Moses.
As we investigate the faith of Moses we will discover something of the power of faith in our lives.
Actually the faith of Moses has its roots in Moses parents. An order had been given that all the Hebrew boy babies be put to death. Yet Noses’ parents feared God more than the Pharaoh. Their own lives were at risk for their act of hiding their son from the Egyptians. Their faith helped them to overcome their fears.
Warren Wiersbe wrote, “Though godly parents cannot pass on their faith as they do family traits, they can certainly create an atmosphere of faith at home and be examples to their children. A home should be the first school of faith for a child.”
What are your fears? Is it some dreaded illness? the fear of death? the process of dying? the fear of tomorrow? the fear of the future? the fear of the unknown? Many live in fear, of being robed, of the future. Faith in God helps us face our fears.
Someone once said, “Fear knocked, faith answered, and no one was there.”
The faith of Moses’ parents led them to hide Moses and how he came to be adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter. Moses was nursed by his own mother but he grew up in the king’s palace in Egypt. The slave boy became a member of Egyptian royalty.
All of us are faced with choices in life. As the adopted son of an Egyptian princess, Moses could have lived “the good life.“ He was a prince of Egypt and seemingly had it made. In time however, Moses’ faith led him to refuse his life in the Palace and identify with the suffering people of God. That was no doubt a difficult choice. Note in verses 24-26, Moses made three choices.
1. He refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.
2. He chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin. To have held on to the pleasures of sin would have resulted in a wasted life. He chose to leave it all behind to suffer with the people of God.
3. He esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; for he looked to the reward.” The Bible says, “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”
Yet so many today are choosing the pleasures of sin, the quest for earthly riches, and worldly position over Jesus Christ. All these things are so fleeting.
ILL. Wiersbe tells of a mayor in a large American city who moved into a dangerous and decayed housing project to demonstrate the problems and needs of the minorities. However, she also kept her fashionable apartment and eventually moved out of the slum.
Moses left the palace of Egypt for the slave huts of the Hebrew people and never returned to his old life. He chose to identify with the Jewish slaves. Men and women of faith are often called upon to bear reproach and suffering.
Moses’ choice to forsake the world, developed his spiritual vision. He saw beyond the events of the moment to the ultimate purpose of God. He saw by faith what could not be seen with the natural eye. He saw Him who is invisible, that is, he saw the eternal God.
He also learned that God was working even in the dark and difficult moments of life. He learned the meaning of Romans 8:28 long before the Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle Paul to write those words.
Hebrews 11:1 says that faith is “substance.” It acts upon God’s Word and His self revelation to us.