Jerusalem- Get Well Series
Contributed by Shawn Drake on May 23, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 23rd Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Jerusalem".
Series: Biblical Cities- Jerusalem [#23]
Matthew 23:37
We are continuing in our Series about the most mentioned City in the Bible- Jerusalem.
Matthew 23:37
As Tharon has always said about his being blind, “We all have a disability, mine is just more noticeable than most people’s. We all have flaws and problems. The more that I watch all of these things happening, the more I believe that many people want problems. There are many people who want to be sick. There are many people who want to be stressed out and panicked. They like the attention. They like that people feel bad for them. My question to you this morning is, “Do you want to get well”?
John 5:1-4
Do you want to get well…
1. Or do you just want to wait around?
Jesus went to Jerusalem. There by the Sheep Gate, (the gate in which people would bring their sacrificial sheep to the Temple); there were many disabled people at the pool nearby. These disabled people were waiting for the water to move so that they could get in the pool 1st, and be healed.
Verse 4, is not found in the NIV or several other versions. It is found in the KJV. These people believed that when the water was moved around that it was an angel stirring it up. The fact that the 1st person in the pool was healed is not proved correct or false. God can do anything He wants, so the 1st person in the pool could have been healed.
What I want to focus on here is that these disabled people were waiting around this pool everyday hoping that they would be healed. How serious were they about being healed? That is a hard question to answer. What I do know is they were just hanging out and hoping.
There are many people doing the same thing today. They are just waiting around for their problems and struggles to get better; but they are not doing anything. Do you want to be healed? Do you want to be made whole? Then do something. Stop waiting to get lucky and allow God to deal with it for you.
John 5:5-7
Do you want to get well…
2. Or do you just make excuses?
This man was an invalid and had been that way for 38 years. I’m sure that he had been at that pool many times. Jesus asked him a very important question, “Do you want to get well?” Why would Jesus ask him this question? Isn’t the answer obvious? Maybe not. There are many people who do not want to get well. They do not want to change.
Notice, that the man began to make excuses. He blamed others for his inability to get into the pool. No one would help him into the pool; and even if he was getting close, someone else would get in before him. It wasn’t his fault. How often do you blame your problems on others? If they would just help you more or let you get your way, then you could be successful.
John 5:8-13
Do you want to get well…
3. Then obey Jesus.
Jesus doesn’t continue to visit with him; but gives him a command. He told him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” The man did exactly what Jesus told him to do. He got up, picked up his mat, and walked away. This is a vital part of being healed- Do you believe that Jesus can heal you? We talk about how God can do anything; but we don’t really believe that He can heal us.
Notice also, that immediately there were people upset with what Jesus did. They could care less that this man who had been an invalid for 38 years was healed. They were more concerned about the day in which he was healed. This is also a vital part of healing- You have to choose who you are going to believe. You can listen to the world or you can listen to Jesus.
John 5:14-15
Do you want to get well…
4. Then give Jesus the credit.
Jesus found the man at the Temple and gave him some information. “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” When Jesus changes our lives, we should be different. Christians, you should not think that you are saved to keep on sinning. Yes, we continue to sin after we are saved; but you should deal with that sin by confessing it to God. Don’t forget that many people are sick due to sin.
Once the man left, he went to those Jewish leaders and told them that Jesus had healed him. When God heals your body, or a relationship, or a situation; make sure to give Him the credit.
Do you want to get well? Start obeying God and giving Him all of the glory, honor, and praise. Don’t fear this virus- Trust in Jesus.