Three Secrets Of An Effective Church - 2 Series
Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The wonderful gifts God gives to the church
Three Secrets of an Effective Church - 2
BIRDS FLIGHT(all called flying): Flapping - Gliding - Soaring
Isa 40:31 Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles(few birds with strong enough wings to soar), run and not get tired, walk and not faint.
• Three secrets of a soaring life: HUMILITY – HARMONY
3. SECRET OF HARD WORK (6) And since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let each exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith; (7) if service, in his serving; or he who teaches, in his teaching; (8) or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.
a. Different By God’s Grace we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us,
• Unique characteristics of gifts: Various passages mentions such as 1 Cor 12, Eph 4, 1 Peter 4, & Rom 12.
Ministry- motivational - manifestations/foundational - sign
- sustaining
1. Different word in 1 Cor 12 ‘spiritual’ with no mention of gift other than in a 3 way separation: gifts ministries effects(energies) (gift is otherwise used in italics
• Gifts comes from Greek charismata which comes from same root as grace. Means a ‘free & unmerited gift’
1) We all have been given at least 1 gift from God.
a) Nobody has been left out - on your spiritual birthday God gave you at least one gift.
b) A Gift is an ability for service within the church.
c) The church in Corinth was reprimanded by Paul because they were abusing spiritual gifts by making them an end unto themselves instead of serving others. Gifts without grace/without the fruit of the Spirit.
d) Paul giving Romans all they needed to know about the Christian life and leaves out gifts that are divisive today.
What is my gift? When you are walking in the fullness of the Spirit you will operate in the area of your spiritual gifts whether you recognize it or not.
(In His Word, time in prayer, loving others, faithful in areas of obedience)
2) We all have been gifted according to His grace
a) God, and not me, made the choice of the gift I was to have.
b) I would not have made the same choice that He did for myself.
God didn’t give me a list at age 20 to pick from:
Nobody ever had a greater fear of public speaking than I did! No way? WAY! Red face in Sun Sch
What I had going for me was that I was willing to become vulnerable for the sake of God’s call in my life. Struggle, be stretched,
AAU POLE VALTER: Set Record on third attempt. ‘How did you get over that high a bar”. ‘I just threw my heart over and the rest of me just followed’.
b. Determined By God’s Call let each exercise(HARD WORK) them accordingly
Paul calls them graces. Graces are graceful. Something graceful is a delight to watch.(football, basketball, hurdler) As you give yourself to your spiritual gift you more and more smoothly, naturally and beautifully minister so that others take note. Bicycle argued with God at downtown library
Enjoy watching some people share their faith, hearing some teach God’s Word, watching some serve others, hearing someone encourage a hurting person.
1) There is a proper way to use each of God’s gifts.
2) Breaking a sweat spiritually: no sacrifice or extra-effort.
Can’t serve God inside your comfort zone.
Prophecy - in proportion to your faith.
• The gift of expounding Scripture, making it come to life. Greek means to ‘cause to shine’.
But one who prophesies speaks to men for edification and exhortation and consolation. (1 Cor 14:3)
Acts Paul encouraged and strengthened the brethren with a lengthy message.
• Proportion is a mathematical term meaning ‘equal to your faith’.
1. Either consistent with your faith or in proportion to your faith.
When God called me to preach I didn’t sign up to preach in the largest church in town. I started at a back-yard Bible club. That was where my faith was.
While doing Centrifuge as a recreation director I gave my testimony at a campfire and one of the higher up came up afterwards and suggested I consider being a camp pastor the next year. I about croaked.
Where my faith was where my gift was able to be operated .
Service - if service, in his serving.
• Get busy, find a place to serve. Our word ‘deacon’ comes from this word. Busy as an usher, on a committee, caring for homebound, help others.