Sight To The Blind, And Blindness To Those Of Sight. Series
Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on Jun 14, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the account of the Healing of the Blind MAN IN JOHN 9. By restoring this man's sight, Jesus proved himself to be the Light of the World. Through that miracle he also revealed himself as the spiritual light of the World.
John 9:1-41
Sermon # 20 in the Gospel of John 2021
Greenmount and O’Leary Churches of Christ
June 13, 2021
Video Link To message: https://youtu.be/uSxsZOOyq4U
1.) In our message two weeks ago, Jesus made the declaration that he is the “Light of The World.
A.) As we come to our text today, there has been debate if today’s account of Scripture is still at the Feast of Tabernacles or if it is a couple of months later at the Feast of Dedication.
B.) While we are not sure which time this was, Jesus picks up the same theme he had addressed that He is the Light of the World.
C.) As we get into the Word of God today, Jesus finds a man who has been blind right from birth.
D.) In the miracle of healing this man, Jesus showed himself to be the Light of the World by giving to him physical light and eyesight.
E.) Through that miracle, Jesus did an even greater work by giving him the Light of the world in a personal manner.
ea.) This man to see and understand that Jesus is also the spiritual light of the world.
• In the opening scene of our text Jesus and his disciples are walking along the road.
• They happen to come across a blind man, which brought the disciples to question Jesus.
1.) Who sinned? This man or his parents? (9:2)
A.) There are times in life when pain, suffering, and illness are the direct result of sin or sinful actions.
aa.) In the healing we looked at in John 5 it was the man’s sin that had been responsible for his physical condition.
ab.) There are times when illness, handicap, or even death can come as the result of the sins of either the person affected, or of another person.
aba.) Certainly, the death of my sister would be an example of that.
abb.) When Jane was killed in that car accident it was because a man had become intoxicated with the drug of alcohol and passed out at the wheel of the car he was driving.
abc.) Certainly, there are countless numbers of examples we could give where an individual’s sin causes sickness, suffering, or death in another individual.
B.) With this man in our account the disciples of Jesus asked him who had sinned: “That he was born blind.”
ba.) In that day it was concluded that any such illness or condition was the direct result of sin.
baa.) Even today that kind of mind frame still exists.
.01) I have known a few Christian couples who for whatever the reason have been unable to have children.
.02) It has broken their as well-meaning Christians have told them there must have been some sin in their relationship for which God was punishing them.
.03) I know of churches who like the friends of Job have told Christians suffering various afflictions there must be some sin in their lives for which they need to repent before God.
.031) While there are times that may be true, it is not a universal fact of any affliction or illness.
.032) Jesus made that clear in this account of Scripture.
2.) Neither this man nor his parents (9:3)
A.) In some ways this was new teaching that Jesus was giving.
aa.) I say it was new, though in reality it was teaching that was consistent with the entirety of the Word of God.
ab.) Just the same it was somewhat new in that almost every generation had looked at sickness, and the like as a curse or punishment from God.
aba.) It is true that all man’s afflictions are from a curse, but the curse is not necessarily something that has happened now but when sin first came into the world.
abb.) Jesus goes on to clear up their misunderstanding.
3.) “But this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.”
A.) This does not mean that God had caused this man’s blindness so that He could be glorified by it.
B.) Rather it means that Jesus used the blindness of this man to bring glory to God, and to help them understand that He is the light of the world.
4.) Jesus again affirms himself as the light of the world. (9:4-5)
A.) By bringing light to this man’s world Jesus shows himself not only as the physical light of the world, but also the one who brings spiritual light into this world.
B.) John 9:6-7
1.) The neighbours of the blind man. (9:8-13)
A.) Those who knew this man the best were confused.