
Summary: There are many implications that grow out of this unique demonstration of Christ's Lordship, but the primary lesson concerns that Lordship itself. Jesus makes it as clear as possible that He has come to destroy the works of the devil.

The hero in one of Bruce Marshalls novels is a Benedictine Monk who is shocked at the general

disbelief in the supernatural. Even the local Anglican priest argued with him against it. He is so

disturbed that he is determined that all shall see a miracle, and he prays that a nearby dancing

establishment of ill repute be transferred to as rock out in the sea, and it happened. The building,

dancing girls, neon lights and all rose into the air leaving a hugh hole in the ground, and was

noiselessly deposited on the island rock. The flight lasting exactly 17 minutes. What Christian has

not dreamed of possessing such power? The monk is so excited that he cannot sleep all night for

wondering how the church is going to cope with the mass conversions that will take place as a result

of this marvelous miracle.

The next day the press gave the story front page publicity, but there was no stampede of people

into the church. In fact, the people thought this unusual event only proved that the clergy were not to

be trusted. The policeman on the beat considered a arresting him for wrongful removal of property,

and the dance hall owner sued him for damages due to transfer of his business to a location less

convenient to his patrons. The only positive note was that a film producer made him an offer to

enter the movies. Of course, its all fiction, and claims to be no more, but Bible students will

recognize it to be based on the facts of the historical experiences of Christ. Miracles have had

surprisingly little effect on the unbelieving world. If the church had to depend upon miracles for its

growth and success, it would have died while it was being born in the ministry of Christ.

The leaders of Israel saw the power of Christ demonstrated time and time again, yet they did not

believe, but sought to kill Him, and called Him an agent of the devil. When the rich man in hell

wanted someone from the dead to warn his brothers Jesus said, "If they will not believe God's Word,

they will not believe a man from the dead." Miracles will not convince an unbeliever, and we are

deceived if we think we could convert the world through miracles. One of the temptations of Jesus

was to jump off the temple and use the power of miracle to gain a following. Jesus refused to

display His miracle power to draw crowds and satisfy curiosity. Jesus performed His miracles as

signs of His Lordship to those who followed Him. They played a major role in His Christian

education for His disciples. They were a part of His teaching technique.

We want to look at a day in the education of His disciples. This particular day was really unique

for this band of roving seminarians. Chapter 4 of Mark shows Jesus teaching them and the

multitudes for the good portion of the day, and then toward evening verse 35 says that they all got

into a ship to head for the other side. Jesus was so exhausted that He fell asleep. A day of teaching

is an exhaustive day. The disciples were at their wits end when a storm threatened to sink the ship,

and Jesus continued to sleep. Finally in desperation they wake Him saying, "Master, carest thou not

that we parish?" Jesus arose and said, "Peace be still," and by His power He calmed the angry

waves. They were overwhelmed with awe and fear at such superhuman power. Verse 41 says they

feared exceedingly. They were in a state of shock. Dryden's poem describes the situation:

The clouds dispelled, the sky resumed her light,

And nature stood recovered of her fright.

But fear, the last of ills, remained behind,

And horror heavy sat on every mind.

When they reached the other side, they no doubt felt they had had it, and were glad that day was

over. Little did they realize they had some major learning yet to do before they slept that night.

They stepped out of the ship and immediately must have had the wits scared out of them again, for

out of the tomb on the hillside a raving maniac came charging at them, and he was shrieking at them

like the madman he was. He was naked and mutilated with broken chains hanging from his wrists

and ankles, for in spite of all the efforts to chain him down he escaped and lived among the tombs. If

ever there was a haunted cemetery, this was it. Luke tells us that no one dare pass by that way. Of

all the places for Jesus to bring His disciples after what they had been through, this was certainly the

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