
Summary: Faithfulness is something that God treasures in His followers.

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• This week we will remember our wonderful, brave veterans on Veteran’s Day.

• We are able to enjoy our freedoms because of brave men and women who answered the call of their country were willing to fight for and even die for their country.

• We are so thankful for their service to their country and we are blessed to live in a military town in which we get to see these hero’s all of the time throughout Sierra Vista!

• The subject of Veteran’s Day fits so well with the subject matter we will examine together today.

• We have been examining some the ways in which one who belongs to Jesus is being transformed into His image each day as we have been answering the critical question, WHAT AM I BECOMING.

• When you give your life to Jesus, your life will never be the same, each day should an exciting day as we are being transformed into the image of Jesus!

• Today we are going to delve into the characteristic of faithfulness.

• The KEY QUESTION we need to consider is, why is it important to be loyal and committed to God and others.

• Faithfulness is a vital component in the transformation process because without faithfulness, we will not stay close to God, nor will God be able to count on us to do what we are called to do.

• WE will be in Proverbs 3:3-4 today. One of my favorite passages in Proverbs is Proverbs 3:5-6. For one to be able to trust in the Lord with all their heart and to be able to not lean on their own understanding, one needs to follow what is in verses we will examine today.

• Let’s begin with verse 3.

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Proverbs 3:3 (HCSB) —Never let loyalty and faithfulness leave you. Tie them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.

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I. The characterization of faithfulness.

• Proverbs is full of practical wisdom for the reader, that is one of the reasons I love the book so much.

• A look at the context of Proverbs 3.

• This passage is the third of ten instruction poems in Proverbs 1–9. True to form, the poem begins with the systematic warning, “My son, do not forget my teaching.”

• What follows are exhortations designed to encourage the learner to grow in “trust in the Lord” (v. 5) and establish a good reputation “in the sight of God and man” (v. 4). Bland, D. (2002). Proverbs, Ecclesiastes & Song of Songs (p. 68). Joplin, MO: College Press Pub. Co.

• The Proverb writer encourages us to NEVER let loyalty, some versions translate that word as LOVE.

• The word for LOYALTY pictures an unfailing love. It is often used of God’s love that is related to faithfulness to His covenant.

• LOYALTY in the Hebrew language pictured dependability to obligations arising from a RELATIONSHIP!

• This characteristic MUST be present in the one who is striving to be faithful, the next word we will place our focus.

• For one to be faithful, they have to possess a strong sense of loyalty toward that which they seek to be faithful.

• What is the difference between a person who is faithful to their spouse and one who at the first opportunity would cheat on their spouse?

• LOYALTY. If one is loyal, i.e., possess an unfailing love, NO one will draw them away from their spouse.

• Think about our distinguished Veterans. What kept them in the fight, what kept them from running from the enemy even in the midst of what was probably INTENSE fear?

• They were loyal to their country. Do we honor traitors? Do we give medals to traitors?

• Is Benedict Arnold a revered person in history? No, he was hated by the Americans and the British.

• When we give our spouse our wedding vows, those vows are predicated on one deciding to be loyal to their spouse.

• When we celebrate Veteran’s Day, we do not celebrate the cowards and traitors, we celebrate those who loyally served their country.

• Many times in the Old Testament, we read of God’s FAITHFUL or LOYAL LOVE.

• IF you are loyal, then you can be faithful.

• Faithfulness may be described as a state of trustworthiness or dependability. That which can be relied on. A person who is faithful is one in whom complete confidence may be placed.

• One who is faithful is firm in their resolve, they are stable and reliable.

• A faithful person is one who can be trusted.

• God is faithful, He can be trusted. When we speak of a spouse being faithful, we know that it means that they are not chasing after other men or women.

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