'tis The Season To Welcome Jesus Series
Contributed by Billy Ricks on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: With the craziness of the advertised and commercialized season of Christmas surrounding us it is easy to miss the reason for the season. Welcome tinsel and lights presents and people but we must be sure to Welcome Jesus!
Read John 1:1-11. (focus on 10 and 11)
John 1:11 He came to His own, and His own people[g] did not receive Him. HCSB
John 1:11 The light came to His own people, and His own people didn’t welcome Him. CEB
Intro: Help me finish this sentence, Tis the season to be ______________! In the next few weeks we are going to expand our understanding of Tis the season.
We are entering on of the most amazing seasons of the entire year. Decorations, lights, Christmas carols and presents. For students and teachers Christmas break. This is supposed to be a season of joy and celebration. We seem to welcome the hustle and bustle that comes with this highly advertised and commercialized season.
For some this season isn’t filled with joy and celebration but pain and frustration. For those that seem to have it all together but below the surface is the frustration and aggravation of trying to live up to the standard of having the perfect house, the perfect party, everything is all together but inside they are falling apart. There are those that don’t appear to have anything together because of a loss of a job or a loved one.
It is so easy to get caught up in welcoming the season we forget to welcome the reason for the season. It is very easy to welcome the season and all its wrappings. The decorations and presents, the celebrations and gatherings. How do we survive the days leading up to the Christmas celebration we make sure we welcome Jesus into our preparations and celebrations.
Even if the Christmas seasons isn’t your favorite we can make this season full of hope and joy instead of pain and stress.
We find in the gospel of John the deep thoughts of a philosopher that teach the simple truths about welcoming Jesus. The people in John’s day were distracted by politics and economics, struggles for power and poverty. Into this season of the world comes God in the flesh.
I. The world ignored Him
It’s not as if God wasn’t involved in the world. John 1.10 “He was in the world.” The conception and birth of Jesus make very clear the desire of God to be involved in the world He created. He was not far removed He indeed wanted to be God with us in Jesus.
The birth of Jesus wasn’t very exciting. He was born to a virgin in a cave and laid in a feeding trough. It was the conception of Jesus that was amazing!! He was conceived of the Holy Spirit to a virgin girl. The gospel of Matthew records that Joseph went through with his marriage to Mary because of a dream given to him by the Holy Spirit.
God went to extraordinary lengths to step into the world He created. What manner of love God has to step into the chaos and suffering of man!
A) Jesus came to be involved in our daily lives
The greatest truth of history is that Jesus came into the world. History hinges on this event, the birth of God into the world. He wants to be Immanuel to us God with us. He wants to comfort us in our pain, calm us in our chaotic moments, encourage us in our fear, strengthen us in our weakness and bear our burdens.
The answer for the burdens and barriers of their life was right before them and they ignored Him. Today the same is true. The answer to the pains and problems of the heart are found in Jesus yet still His forgiveness and presence are ignored.
B) Jesus came to intervene in our sinful lives
1:9 tells us “the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.”
Bruce Barton – “Whenever we see the lights of Christmas, let them remind us that they recall Christ, our true Light.”
What does light do? Light reveals, Jesus reveals our great need for a savior to pay the penalty of our sin before a holy God. Light enlightens, it enlarges our vision and knowledge of God. Light reveals, it makes clear what is important in life. Light exposes the darkness in our life and then defeats it. Light reveals the way between right and wrong. Light warns of danger and lights our way to keep us from tripping and falling.
He clearly revealed himself as from God to intervene on our behalf.
The greatest tragedy of history is that the world didn’t and still doesn’t recognize Him.
Some say he was an angel, a phantom or a spirit. His completely natural birth makes clear that He was completely man He was God in the flesh. God with us!
Jesus walked, hungered, got tired, slept and wept. He was completely man but also completely God. He spoke to the winds and waves and they obeyed Him. He spoke to the dead and they came to life. He touched the sick and they were healed. He has power over life and death.