This Generation Series
Contributed by Rich Wyatt on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This message addresses a generation of teens and imparts to them that THIS GENERATION must rise up for "we are an holy nation..."
This Generation
Psalm 60:2 “you have made the land quake… You have split it open…”
Intro: The land is quaking. The world is an uncomfortable place. The US of A is full of perverted idolatry, tolerance, perverse sexuality and every evil thing. Generations past have sat idly by and watched the wicked reign and rule. I have news for you – this speaks to you, teens: 1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” It is time for us to be that chosen generation. God has split open heaven and poured out His Spirit, made it readily available to all that would fight on His team to reclaim holy and right living as the normal mode rather than the exception.
David wrote this in a time when he had failed. Men have and are failing. But what David knew is that if he sought God, relied on God and became His chosen man – God would help battle on the side of righteousness, on the side of all things good. The important lesson surrounding this scripture is to not waste your failures!
I. Need for the Holy Spirit
a. It is an Empowering for service (Acts 1:5,8)
i. To illustrate, if we drank water from a glass, then the water would be inside us. However, if we went to the beach and stepped into the ocean, then we would be in the water. We receive, as it were, a drink of the Holy Spirit when we are saved, but when we are baptized in the Spirit, it is as if that initial drink becomes an ocean that completely surrounds us.
ii. Just as the indwelling Spirit that Christians receive when they are saved reproduces the life of Jesus, so the outpoured, or baptizing, Spirit reproduces the ministry of Jesus, including miracles and healings.
iii. He is moving among this generations with signs/wonders and great things
b. It is an Empowering for personal victory
i. Romans 8:1-9
ii. Christ was filled with the spirit and defeated Satan
c. It is a means by which we are Children of God
i. Romans 8:12-17
d. David and Joab were leading the armies of Israel against two enemies when a third enemy invaded.
i. When you get one problem solved – another comes along.
ii. God has NOT abandoned you
iii. You NEED the HS power to conquer the enemy
iv. You NEED the HS power to speak, to heal, to minister, to live
II. Living the “Chosen Generation” Life
a. Don’t Waste Your Failures
b. When and How of the Holy Spirit
i. Joel 2:28-32
ii. Fast and Pray – Spend time with God
iii. It can take place at the moment of acceptance of Christ as Savior as in the case of Cornelius in Acts 10:44-46
iv. Get out of occultish things (Acts 8: man named Simon wanted to buy the HS – he was commanded to repent) (Oujia boards, transcendental meditation, occult, séances, fortunes, fortune tellers, ESP, horoscopes, hypnotism, etc)
v. How?
1. After salvation – ask (Luke 11:9 – ask and it shall be given to you)
2. Believe you have received
c. Be an example (1 Peter 2:13-14)
i. You are peculiar
1. You are not like the world
2. You do not participate in the things of the world
3. You do not identify with the world
4. You do not permit nor tolerate the things of the world
ii. You are blessed (Deut. 28:6 “Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed you shall be when you go out.”)
1. In your relationship with the Father
2. In your business
3. In your ministry
4. In your relationships
d. You have the power to shape (with the HS power)
i. Your churches
ii. Your communities
iii. Your families
iv. Your ministries
v. Your workplaces
Conclusion: Be an example! MW dictionary says that an example is: one that serves as a pattern to be imitated or not to be imitated
You have the option. Are you going to well represent the kingdom of God that all may see Him or are you going to misrepresent the Kingdom so that many will flee Him? It is up to you. Are you going to succeed in making your generation known to bring back the things of God into mainstream or are you going to sit idly by? This generation has the chance. You have the opportunity. You have the shaping power.
Now there are those of you who have not yet received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I want to speak to you right now. It is a vital part of your Christian walk. You need His power to operate. You need His power to minister. You need His power to defeat the enemy.
Closing ’altar call’