
Summary: Water is the blood of the world that gives life to all that God has created. The blood in our veins that keeps us alive is 90% water. Water supply is not just vital for farmers, it is vital to the life of each one of us.

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The Bible begins and ends with God in the midst of water. It is the physical substance that is

nearest to the spiritual. It is the physical source of all life. There is no known life on earth

that can survive without water. God gave birth to the world out of a mass of water as the

Holy Spirit hovered over the deep. The earth was immersed in water before it came to life.

And so it is with us. From conception to birth we are immersed in water. When the water

breaks we are born into a world totally dependent on water. Seven eighths of our body and

OF all animal life is water. Nine tenths of all plant life is water. 75% of the worlds surface is


The clouds above us are floating lakes of water. They are tiny droplets so small that one

hundred billion of them would not fill a tea cup. They form the clouds that make rain

possible, which keeps the world alive. Water is the blood of the world that gives life to all

that God has created. The blood in our veins that keeps us alive is 90% water. Water supply

is not just vital for farmers, it is vital to the life of each one of us.

When everything is working normally there are about 16 billion tons of rain that fall on

U.S. soil every day. We take water for granted, but have no idea just how much of it is

needed to keep life going. Ten to twenty tons of water are needed for every bushel of corn

that is harvested. 15 to 20 tons are needed for every pound of beef, and 120 gallons for

every egg. If it was not for all the irrigation in this country we could be going through a

drought like they often do in Africa. Water is the blood of our nation just as it is all the

nations of the world.

Water is also the key factor in industry. All that man makes is just as dependent on water

as all that God has made. The production of one car requires 60 thousand gallons of water.

For every gallon of gas you put in that car, it takes 10 gallons of water to produce it. Water

is the life line of nature, and also of industry. Nothing significant happens in this world

without water.

Therefore, it is not surprising that water plays a major role in the Bible. It would take

hours just to read all of the verses in the Bible that deal with water. Some of the highlights

would be-

1. The creation.

2. The flood, where Noah and his family were saved by water, and where the most

universal symbol God ever created, the rainbow, is dependent upon water.

3. The great exodus of Israel out of Egypt by crossing the Red Sea.

4. The striking of the rock that gave water to Israel, and which the New Testament

says was Christ.

5. The crossing of Jordan into the Promise Land.

6. The 23rd Psalm where he leads us beside the still waters.

7. Jesus is the water of life, and He walked on water, and He stilled the stormy waters,

and He turned the water into wine, and He made water basic to the ordinance He gave

to the church to go into all the world and baptize. The Lord's Supper has two elements

Bread and wine, and both are products of water. Some would add His washing of feet,

another water event.

There is no escaping the importance of water for both the physical and spiritual life.

We cannot live without water, and we cannot live a life of obedience to Christ without water.

All three persons of the Godhead are identified with water. God the Father says in Jer. 2:13,

"My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water,

and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water." Jesus said to the

woman at the well in John 4:10, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is who asks you for a

drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water." Later in John

7:37-39 this living water is identified with the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "If a man is thirsty, let

him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of

living water will flow from within him. By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believe

in Him were to receive,"

It is through faith in Christ that we receive the Spirit of Christ-the living water, and for

all eternity Jesus will lead us to springs of living water, says Rev. 7:17. Water is not only

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