
Summary: The Priority of the Gospel - Philippians chapter 1 verses 12-26 - sermon by Gordon Curley - PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

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(1). Confident, even though a victim (vs 12-14)

(2). Joyful, in spite of others (vs 15-18)

(3). Hopeful, regardless of uncertainties (vs 19-20)

(4). Contented, because Christ was central (vs 21)



• He was born in Italy of humble parents and is said to have trained as a carpenter,

• He started to play the violin as a hobby.

• And that created an interest in the violins themselves,

• He discovered that he had a natural talent for business

• So, he began to acquire and resell some of the many fine instruments;

• That were lying unused in the towns and villages of northern Italy.

• In 1828 he made his greatest coup,

• He acquired a number of violins from Count Cozio of Salabue,

• Including a 1716 Stradivari in unused condition.

• This violin was his treasure, and it came to be known as the 'Messiah'.

• One morning Luigi Tarisio was found dead,

• In his home, they discovered 246 superb violins,

• Which he had been collecting all his life.

• He had violins crammed into an attic,

• The best of his collection packed in the bottom drawer of an old rickety bureau.

• His 1716 Stradivari in unused condition.

• Sadly, in his very devotion to the violin,

• He had robbed the world of all that music,

• That those superior instruments could have produced!

• TRANSITION: How many Christian's are like Luigi Tarisio?

• In our love for the things of God, we fail to share this good news with others.

• Good News needs not just to be cherished, but needs to be told?

• People need to hear it.

• The apostle Paul was determined to share this good news (gospel);

• With as many people as he could.

• That was his priority, that was his desire and that is what comes out of these verses.

(1). Confident, even though a Victim (vs 12-14)

“Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters,[b] that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. 13 As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard[c] and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. 14 And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.,”

Question: What do you think of when you here the name the apostle Paul?


• I think missionary, preacher, Church planter, evangelist,

• I think of a great example, a man of God,

• I think of a man with a brilliant mind,

• I think of a man with a commanding knowledge of philosophy and religion,

• I think of a man who could debate with the most educated scholars of his day

• One word that does not spring to mind is victim.

• But that was what he was on numerous occasions.

• He wanted to go to Rome as a preacher;

• But instead he ends up going as a prisoner.

• He could have written a whole letter on his illegal arrest in the Temple in Jerusalem,

• His trials, how he was beaten up many times, how he was often in danger of death.

• Five times he was given the thirty-nine lashes.

• Three times he was beaten with rods,

• Once I was stoned and three times he was shipwrecked,

• He lived with danger;

• Experiencing many sleepless nights, in hunger and thirst,

• And often without food, in cold and exposure.

• If you want the full list just read 2 Corinthians chapter 11 verses 23-28.

• He summarises those experiences in a few words, a single line (vs 12);

• “What has happened to me”

The apostle Paul refuses to play the victim:

• He is not angry about his imprisonment.

• He is not wallowing in self-pity over his circumstances.

• It is not the end of the world.

• It is not the worst thing that has ever happened in his life.

• The apostle Paul is able to see the positive in the circumstances,

• The Church might thing he has regressed but Paul sees progress.

• Yes, he cannot go anywhere he likes to preach the gospel,

• His circumstances have radically changed.

• Yet, the gospel is now being spread in a different way.

• He tells these Christians that God has turned his imprisonment for good,

• His suffering has been the way God has been able to advance the gospel.

• Ill:

• In the Greek text he uses a very strong word picture.

• He uses the Greek word ‘prokope’ – translated into English as advance or progress.

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