
Summary: This sermon explores the change that the gospel makes in the lives of people by looking at the change it made in Paul.

The Power of the Gospel to Change Lives

Galatians 1: 11-24

1. An affirmation of Paul’s authority (11-12).

2. The Paul of the past (13-14).

A. He persecuted the church and tried to

destroy it.

B. He was advancing in Judaism beyond many

Jews his own age.

C. He was extremely zealous for the

traditions of his fathers.

D. It is important to note that many times

the lives that Christ changes are not

total destroyed or dysfunctional. Many

times people are successful and happy but

on the wrong road.

3. An incredible encounter (14-16).

A. “But God,” two of the most important

words in life.

B. God set him apart from birth.

C. God called Paul and revealed His son in


D. God set him apart to preach among the


4. A life of genuine significance (22-24).

A. Unknown to the church of Judea.

B. Verse 23: “The man who formerly

persecuted us is now preaching the faith.”

C. Verse 24: “They praised God because of


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