
Summary: 2nd Message in the series "God’s Lost and Found" from Luke 15. This message deals with the second illustration in the parable, that of the Lost Silver.


Last week we started a study on Luke chapter 15, “God’s Lost and Found”. We looked at the fact that this is not three separate parables, but rather one parable that illustrates God’s love for those that are unlovable. In this parable are three examples of Jesus affirming His goal of coming “to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10) Last Sunday I preached on “The Lost Sheep”. This morning I want to continue the series by looking at the second illustration, that of “The Lost Silver”.

By way of introduction, notice that this illustration is of a woman. Women, you are very valuable in the Lord’s work. Through the Scriptures, and throughout church history, the are a number of instances where God used a woman who was totally sold out to Him to accomplish His task and fulfill His purpose.

Notice with me several things from the text this morning:



A. The woman had 10 coins and lost one.

B. This coin was the equivalent to a day’s wages

C. It was obviously very valuable to the woman

D. She had nine left but she was concerned about the one.

E. Each soul, no matter how small, is valuable to God


A. This woman REALLY wanted to find this coin!

B. She lit a candle

C. She swept the house

D. She searched “diligently” = unceasingly, assiduously.

E. She didn’t stop looking until she found the coin!

F. Jesus Christ seeks diligently for lost souls


A. The woman was ecstatic that she found her coin!

B. She called her friends and neighbors together

C. Her diligence had been rewarded.

D. God rewards those that diligently seek Him.


A. There’s joy in Heaven when someone finds Christ..

B. That Mother, Father…who had been praying rejoices.

C. Another soul that was lost is found!!!!

D. What a sight for the angels to see!


What about you? Are you a “lost coin” today? The Saviour is searching diligently for you. Your soul is much more valuable to God than even that coin was to the woman who lost it. The gospel of Mark declares that no value can be placed on a man’s soul. Come to Christ this morning and be “found”.

Christian, how diligently are you searching for lost coins? Do you rejoice when somebody comes to Christ? Do you get excited at seeing souls saved? Those nine coins that the woman still had weren’t as important to her as the one that was lost; and the way that she found it was by lighting a candle. Is your candle burned out or are you using your light to lead others to the Saviour?

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