
Summary: Again Israel had fallen captive to the Philistines so God raises up Samson who was devoted by his parents from birth to be a Nazirite - but his connection causes a contamination.

The Contamination of Your Connection

Judges 16: 1-18

Again Israel had fallen to captive to the Philistines so God raises up Samson who was devoted by his parents from birth to be a Nazirite.

Nazirite – Consecrated and Separated

Conditions of the Nazirite Vow:

(1) the strictest abstinence from wine and from every product of the vine; (2) the keeping of the hair uncut and the beard untouched by a razor; (3) the ruling out to touch a dead body

(4) prohibition of unclean food (Jud 13:5-7; Nu 6).

Samson Had Already:

1) Killed the lion with his hands

2) Married his 1st uncircumcised Philistine Wife

3) Repaid the Philistines for burning his wife and her father

4) Burned their Grainfields, Vineyards and Olive Groves

5) Went to Ashkelon and Killed 30 men a gave there garments away

6) Swiped 1000 Philistines with the jawbone of an ass (Donkey)

7) Defeated some Gazites in Gaza while the house of a prostitute

With all done the Spirit (Presence) of the lord was with him, then he meets Delilah who was a willing worker that worked against his favor for the right price.

500 shekels of silver or 5500 Pieces – Today that converts to $34,160

God is with Him when:

1) Killed the lion with his hands

2) Married his 1st uncircumcised Philistine Wife

3) Repaid the Philistines for burning his wife and her father

4) Burned their Grainfields, Vineyards and Olive Groves

5) Went to Ashkelon and Killed 30 men a gave there garments away

6) Swiped 1000 Philistines with the jawbone of an ass (Donkey)

7) Defeated some Gazites in Gaza while the house of a prostitute

The Defeat:

1) She Worshipped Samson – Made him feel Big

2) She was Persistent (Nagged) – The Devil never gives up

3) She knew why she was doing what she was doing (Purpose)

4) Reveals the source of his strength

Your enemy will never give up until you reveal to them what it is that will make you turn from the Intention or Purpose of God concerning you.

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