Textures Of The Church Series
Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on May 7, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: Texture means the surface or the exterior of the building. We can also say the outdoor walls, outside of the building look. Church is a building as well as people. Building is the place where people gathered for church.
Topic: Textures of the Church
Text: Ephesians 4:1-16
Introduction: When we develop a garden, we buy varieties of flora plants. We expect different colour flowers. In your fish tank you would like to see different colourful fish. Likewise, God placed us in the Church with varieties of textures.
Texture means the surface or the exterior of the building. We can also say the outdoor walls, outside of the building look. Church is a building as well as people. Building is the place where people gathered for church. People are church wherever they are placed; their residence, their profession and their lives in general.
A texture means the feel, appearance and the consistency of the surface and substance. Texture is the quality of something that can be decided by touch.
Walk worthy of calling (v.1):
First three chapters of Ephesians are doctrines. The last three chapters are applicability. Walk is ongoing, repeating till you reach your goal. Call and walk are two sides of a scale. The doctrine and practice must go together. God ward and man ward walks. The start is at Eph.1:4; goal is Eph 5:27(present as radiant church); path of travel is (filled by HS). This walk needs set purpose, steady progress and strong perseverance. Put off the Old man and put on New man (4:22,24)
Maintain Unity (v.3):
God does three things for us in Christ (2:5-7). He quickened us, raised us, and made us to sit. All men are created equal but still there are differences. Gospel is so powerful to us and taught us to pray for the enemies (Mt.5:44), bless those who curse us (5:44) turn the other cheek (5:39) and render not evil (1 pet 3:9). Gospel calls us for radical change.
Believers are complementary to each other and not to compete with one another. Always think of the grace of God. Church unity is very difficult. A denomination reminds that we are different people. We are competing with each other.
There was no unity in the house of Isaac, no unity in the house of Jacob, no unity in the house of David. No unity among the disciples. Often the same situation we need.
Use your gifts (v.11):
Paul lists the gifts as: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers- fivefold ministry. Paul adds in 1 Cor.12:4-11 wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, working miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, kinds of tongues and interpretations of tongues – nine-fold ministry.
The absence of the spirit makes the gospel so powerless. Without the anointing of the spirit the sermons are vain, prayers are boring, preaching becomes useless. Our learning’s, talents, eloquence, every natural or acquired endowment are possessed in us and developed by the Spirit of God.
There are five purposes of the Gifts:
1. To equip the saints,
2. To build up the body of Christ,
3. For unity of faith,
4.To know the knowledge of the Son of God, and, 5. To grow up to Maturity to the full stature of Christ, i.e., figure, physique, height, size.
So, grow up in every way.