
Summary: In this message, Dr. Vorce speaks about how to let our lights shine in a dark world and how to honor God's Word in a Woke Society.



The emphasis here is on the ministry of Christian character. Actions speak louder than words.

A. As Christians, our lights transmit God's glory to a dark world!

1. Shining requires that we take our faith seriously!

2. They are "lights" in a dark world - Php 2:14-15

3. Their purpose: to proclaim the praises of God! - 1Pe 2:9; Ep 5:8b-9

B. As Christians, we are carriers and reflectors of the Light of Christ!

1. Only in the Lord - Ep 5:8a

2. Christ is the "true" or "original" light - Jn 8:12

3. Citizens of the kingdom are simply "luminaries" reflecting The One True Light, just as the moon reflects the sun - 2Co 4:6

C. As Christians, we are responsible to "Light up our World."

1. Our lights should be seen – be visible

a. Jesus implies this truth through metaphors. (City, Lampstand)

b. The Love of God is our light to the world - e.g., Jn 13:35; 17:21

2. Our lights should radiate (give light)

a. "let your light SO SHINE before men."

b. The light of God's shining through us will bring glory to God!

YBH (Yes but How?)

• Turn on your light! – Don’t let anything extinguish the flame.

• Focus on speaking life and light into others around you. – Be an Encourager!


Contrasting the "Old Law – Law of Moses" and the "New Law – Law of Christ - Love."

A. Up to this point, Jesus has been describing the "citizens" of the kingdom in His Sermon on the Mount.

1. He focused on their character and blessedness - Mt 5:3-12

2. He focused on their influence on (not in) the world - Mt 5:13-16

B. The next focuses on the "righteousness" of the kingdom... – Mt 5:20

1. The righteousness conduct Jesus would expect of His disciples is much different than the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees. Why? Because the righteousness of Jesus is based on love.

2. Some "Righteous Conduct Topics" that Jesus taught:

a. Anger – Mt 5:21-26

b. Lust – Mt 5:27-30

c. Divorce – Mt 5:31-32

d. Oaths – Mt 5:33-37

e. Retaliation – Mt 5:38-42

f. Love Your Enemies – Mt 5:43-48

g. Giving to the Needy – Mt 6:1-4

h. The Lord's Prayer – Mt 6:5-15

i. Fasting – Mt 6:16-18

j. Lay Up Treasures in Heaven – Mt 6:19-24

k. Don't Be Anxious – Mt 6:25-34

l. Judging Others – Mt 7:1-6

m. Ask, and it Shall be Given – Mt 7:7-11

n. The Golden Rule – Mt 7:12-14

C. He begins by correcting any false impression some may have had about His relationship with the Law of Moses and the Prophets. – Mt 5:17-19

1. Had He come to destroy the Law and the Prophets?

2. Are His teachings contradictory to the Law and the Prophets?

D. Jesus coming was a "fulfillment" of the Law and the Prophets.

1. For they foretold the coming of the Messiah (Christ)

a. There are approximately 330 prophecies concerning the Christ found in the Law and the Prophets

b. For example, Deut 18:15,18-19; Isa 53:1-12

2. For they foretold the coming of the kingdom of God

a. One example is Dan 2:44

b. Jesus proclaimed the fulfillment of that prophecy was now at hand - Mk 1:14-15

3. For they also foretold the establishment of a new and different covenant for the people of God

a. See Jer 31:31-34

b. That Jesus brought in this new covenant is confirmed in He 8:6-13

E. Remember that when Jesus came, the Law and the Prophets were still very much in effect. Therefore, Jesus taught His followers to "Honor God's Law."

1. Jesus taught that one's standing in the kingdom (in its future sense) would be affected by their treatment of whatever Law of God was in effect when they were alive!

2. Abraham would have loved to be a part of the Church!

• Honoring God's Word may not be popular or widespread in the Woke Society we find ourselves in, but it is necessary to please God.

YBH (Yes but How?)

• Take a personal inventory according to Matthew 5:3-12

• Study and apply the “Righteous Conduct” that was taught by Jesus.

• Always hold God’s Word in High Esteem – It’s not just another book!


• What a blessing to learn about shining for Jesus and Honoring God's Word.

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