
Summary: A Seven Part Sermon on How What We Know Today Has Degraded From The Original Pt. 3.

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Psalm 19:14

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

Acts 4:13

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

2. Have you ever listened to someone and not fully understood what they are talking about? It is an art to be able to express yourself so that others capture what you are trying to convey in speech. The ability to communicate is one of the most basic things in life and if it is not done in an appropriate way, frustration sets in, a tuning out occurs, and in the end all the words were just wasted energy, and the original intent is lost in translation from the mind to the mouth to the brains.

I recall in a movie from 1983,’Trading Places’, in which there was a man off the street who was enticed to replace the role of an important rich finance broker. When they put him on the spot , on TV, and asked how he would fix the bankrupted finances at hand, since he didn’t know anything about that, he responded by saying let’s talk about simple things and explained how to garden. He responded with something very off topic. His rhetoric had nothing to do with the question (he knew nothing on the matter), but all of the commentators went with it so they said, ‘Oh, how amazing he is’! This man speaks deep things about fertilizers and soils, and now we all understand he is referring to investing reserve funds, etc. What a wise man they all said! It was comical! This shows how unexpected or unclear rhetoric translates into our minds as some form of reality, but it is only an invented illusion on our part to make sense of things unrelated.

Rhetoric : ‘Rhetoric is defined as the art of using language in such a way as to make the desired impression upon the hearer or reader. Generally speaking, rhetoric covered the whole subject of composition, both oral and written. In rhetoric we see the interplay of both grammar and logic’ (online, ref., various). Considering Jesus used a lot of rhetoric (in the positive sense) like in parables to win others to the kingdom of God, we as His followers must learn about that skill of expression. He talked about sewing and reaping but referring to God’s kingdom.

3. Today most people equate rhetoric with the convoluted talk in politics. Here is an article that examines this assessment, but rhetoric is not only used just in politics but in most everything.

Notice that the way something is expressed may change the original content, as is done in the intent of political parties, so we should learn about this as word games are designed to convince you of things you may have convictions against. We do as Christians have strong convictions concerning our faith and the standards of God communicated in His Word! But some may get confused!

Often worldly rhetoric can misrepresent information, and it may change your opinion, temporarily, until you discover the errors in what was fed to you. Applying rhetoric to a conversation can either make or break you when sharing your authentic Christian faith. In the Christian faith apologetics is the art of winning others to the faith and we need to be clear, convincing, convicting, and converting! Colossians 4:6 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Why do I find the topic of rhetoric important to share with you? Because too many people are deceived by Satanic secret society rhetoric which they call wisdom, replacing darkness for light, and so-called light for darkness, from Lucifer’s confusion and deception! 2 Thessalonians 2:3 ‘Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there comes a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition’. We need to know how to answer these well-versed folks with tricky slogans, chants, or lying statistics. Today the news outlets believe that if you repeat a lie often enough the people will eventually believe it and accept it as truth. That sort of rhetoric is what got Hitler into power! Always with discernment start with this premise of… what lie are they pushing now?

4. The rhetoric of the anti-Christ will deceive many; Daniel 8:23 ‘And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up’. ‘ Dark sentences’ is referring to Satanic rhetoric being disguised as wisdom which many will swallow because they do not have the Lord, nor His Holy Spirit.

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