
Summary: From call girl to convert-This was much more than a rehabilitation. She wasn’t reformed or conformed-she was transformed! An added benefit: she became part of the line of Christ-a Greeeaaat G’ma of the Messiah! Link inc. to formatted text, audio, P’pt.

Rahab’s Rehab

Joshua 2:1-21; Hebrews 11.31

God rewards faith with His salvation...even in the guiltiest sinner. This woman went from being a call girl to being converted by just believing. And she went from ‘zero’ to ‘hero’ in nothing flat! Truly this was much more than a rehabilitation. She wasn’t reformed or conformed...she was transformed! And as an added benefit she became part of the line of Christ...a Greeeeaaaat Grandmother of the Messiah!

The Story Told:

1. Rahab was a Notorious Sinner in a Condemned City v. 1

2. Rahab had a Great Fear of Judgment v. 9

3. She Believed the Report of God’s Greatness v. 10,11

4. She Pleaded for Mercy & Shows Faith v. 12-15

5. She asks for and receives a True Token v. 12 & v. 18

6. Her Household’s Safety is Confirmed v. 19, 20

7. She Demonstrates her Faith v. 21

God has a way of working thru very ordinary and very unlikely people. He can save and use anyone who is available to Him. He didn’t give her a scarlet letter, but a scarlet thread!

I just wonder how this worked out for the spies, who had to return home and explain to their wives that they were saved by a prostitute!

God used Rahab – A woman who had three strikes against her.

1. Strike One – Rahab was a Canaanite, not a Jew. - The Canaanites were a wicked people. A people so wicked and so evil that God used Israel as his instrument to judge them. The Canaanites were Idolaters.

2. Strike Two – Rahab was a woman.- Women at that time were often treated as 2nd class people. They had few rights. (Much like in many Islamic countries today) In many instances they were treated as property. Yet God worked through this woman – Rahab. In America today women are treated very well, unless running for VP of the US!

3. Strike Three – Rahab was a prostitute. She sold herself for money. – God sees potential in every single one of us. No matter what our past.

Rahab had all this going against her and yet she had one great redeeming factor in her favor – FAITH – She believed God.

New Testament References:

Hebrews 11.31 & James 2.25 help us understand the right relation of faith and works.

Hebrews 11:31

By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace.

James 2:25

Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way?

Faith came first, when she received the spies; Works then came as the result of faith when she sent them away.

Other Lessons from the Story:

1) The Effect of Faith in a Sinner

(a) She believed the news of God’s wrath

(b) She realized God was a great God

(c) She had great fear because of her sin

(d) She desired to be saved

(e) Her cry for mercy included her family

(f) She obeyed the instructions

(g) She trusted in the oath given

(h) She received God’s assurance

2) The “True Token” is God’s Assurance of Salvation

3) The Work of Faith was evidenced by. . .

a) Assurance

b) Concern for others

c) Faithfulness

4) The Blessings God Gave to Rahab’s Faith. . .

a) Deliverance from destruction

b) A place among God’s people

c) The honor of being in the genealogy of Jesus Christ

The Application of the Story:

We live in a doomed city too. There is only one hope – Jesus Christ. Let us make sure that our faith sees and accepts the way of salvation.

The Cross is our Scarlet Thread:

C onstraining Compassion

R edeeming Blood

O vercoming Power

S aving Strength

S atisfying Love

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