
Summary: Where is God? Then we keep thinking and asking: What is happening with the world? What is the Purpose of Humanity? Why God created Human beings? Does he lose control over his creation? to find the answer, kindly read through this sermon.

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Theme: Purpose of Human Life

Text: Genesis 1:26-31


My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet you all in the name of our Lord saviour Jesus Christ. The Lord is good, and his love endures forever. Today, we are meditating under the theme: Purpose of Human Life, based on Genesis 1:26-31.

Let us meditate under the following three sub-titles: God created humanity

- as an Honourable creation,

- as a Purposeful creation,

- as an Eternal creation

1. Humanity as an Honourable Creation(Genesis 1:26-27).

We live in a time of death news. The news all around the corner is of cries, panic, fast spread of a virus through social and web media. We hear so much on shortages of vaccines, supply of oxygen, beds, and queue in cremation and burial grounds in the Indian Sub-continent. But today, I would like to share the hope of life.

Where is God? Then we keep thinking and asking: What is happening with the world? What is the Purpose of Humanity? Why God created Human beings? Does he lose control over his creation? From time immemorial many tried to find an answer to questions, which came to their minds. Who am I? where do have I come? Where do am I heading?

They searched for answers through their ancestors, gurus, leaders and religious books. The incomplete and unsatisfactory answers made some become hermits, some as philosophers, some as self-declared gods and goddess, and some as atheists. Theists also became polytheists and confused within themselves. Children growing, raise many questions to their parent grandparents and their teachers about the purpose of humanity. These days young people, children make efforts to get answers. The ultimate aim of anyone is to know the purpose of human life on earth.

The passage which we heard reading describes that God has created all of us. The first parents Adam, and Eve had come from God. The Gospel of Luke says that Adam was the son of God (Luke 3:37). God created Adam after his image and likeness. God has invested His Holy attributes in man. His holiness, righteousness, justice, mercy, grace, love, truth, so on. had reflected through him. Though, we are descendants of Adam. Yet, each one of us is unique (Psalm 139:13-16). He continues on his creation episode day and night, in the womb of the many mothers on the earth.

Adam was created lesser than angels in power but higher than angels in relating to him. God never came to die for the Angels but the sons of men. God gave man an extra sense and wisdom than all other created beings on the earth (Genesis 2:19-20). So, I do not want to believe that I have evolved from a monkey. I do not want to believe that God created human beings from his several parts of the body to establish castes and divisions.

God created nations and languages to fulfil one of his purposes of the human race. But the castes, classes are human-made to subdue one another. God has ordered the man to rule over animals, birds, the living things on earth, and the sea. But, man has rule one another and created an imbalance in the economy, treating one another and valuing one another higher. Does God create human for this purpose? NO. God created them so that they would worship him and enjoy the relationship with him.

Maturity comes through choosing the good and refusing the evil (Hebrews 5:8,14). Each victory over temptation would have helped Adam grow from a state of childlike innocence into one of adult maturity. His fellowship with God would have deepened, and his understanding of God’s purposes increased ( Commentary). The church is the corporate “new man,” Head and Body, Bridegroom and Bride, created in God’s image to have dominion over Satan (Eph. 1:22-23; 2:15-16; 4:24; 5:32; 6:10-20; Col. 3:10).

2. Humanity a Purposeful Creation (Genesis 1:28-30):

God created humanity as a purposeful creation. The man was created to Glorify God through exercising his personality—mind, heart, and will. With his mind, man has to know God; with his heart, he has to love God, and with his will, he has to obey God. (ref: God has created man to worship God and to have dominion over the creations. God has created the world with an ulterior motive of bringing glory to him alone (Psalm 100:2-3- Enter his gates with thanksgiving and worship him and bow down before him. John 17:3-4, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 -fear God and keep his commandments). The sole purpose is to love the Lord (Deuteronomy 6:5, Luke 10:27). He has created Adam and Eve to have a faithful and devoted generation (Malachi 2:15).

Be fruitful, Increase in Number, Fill the earth and subdue it, and Rule over the Creature on the ground was additional responsibilities entrusted to humanity (Genesis 1:28, 9:1-3). God has given him all the authority over the entire creation on earth. He cannot think of ruling over the Sky, Ocean and Atmosphere. His limitations are within the world. Job 34:13 says God has appointed man over the earth. God’s purpose is to have a man on earth reflecting His image and having dominion over the earth and bring under His sovereignty.

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