Passionate Purpose Series
Contributed by Bruce Rzengota on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Passionate Purpose
Ephesians 2:8-10
Great Moments in the NBA
Asleep on the bench
Carmelo Anthony
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Great Moments in Church
Asleep in the row
Alan Hirsch is an Australian missiologist, author, and thought leader in the missional church movement. Alan is the founder of 100Movements, Forge Mission Training Network, and Future Travelers.
Author of Forgotten Ways
Currently, young Christians reach adulthood bored with church experience, and with little or no sense of their calling as missionaries.
T.S. Hirsch reflects the words of Paul that sees each of us as endowed with significant purpose.
Eph 2:8-10
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
T.S. This Truth in declaration in Ephesians has two avenues of application. First, individual application of this truth.
I. The Calling of Every Follower
To all the saints 1:1
According to the purpose of his will -- 1:5
A part of the inheritance -- 1:11
A reflection of the immeasurably great power already at work in us -- 1:19-20
A part of being made alive in Christ -- 2:5
A. Faith discovery vs. 8
The faith journey of every follower of Christ leads not just to forgiveness, eternal life, but to passionate purpose in the kingdom of God. By Faith we are saved and trust in it's truthfulness. By faith we are his workmanship, destined for purpose, but because I try to make it happen, but because he says it will.
B. Grace experience vs. 9
The roles we get to fulfill in his kingdom are not passed upon our merit, our worthiness, no earned, but a part of his undeserved favor in our lives.
JORDAN CLARKE, 15: Transplant survivor of Bridgnorth, Shrops
Seven years ago Jordan had a liver transplant at Birmingham Children's Hospital. Since then, he has raised more than £12,000 for the same hospital, the Children's Liver Disease Foundation and the Teenage Cancer Trust.
There is a big difference in training to run 100 yrd dash in the Olympics and winning the draw to be one of the few who get to carry the torch. One you worked for, earned. The other simply is the outcome of destiny.
C. Specific tailoring vs. 10
His Workman ship. The product of his handicraft.
D. Destined path vs. 10
that we should walk in them.
A defined path leading to purpose for each and everyone of us. It is a part fo what we hope you discover here.
T.S. This Truth in declaration in Ephesians has two avenues of application. First, individual application and a corporate application of this truth. We beleive that passionate Purpose is the corporate calling of the church
II. The Corporate Calling of the Church
A. We are a part of
John Stumbo on what that means
We are a part of a Christ-centered global movement more than 6 million strong. Inspired by Jesus' love and empowered by His Spirit, we are passionate to bring the good news about Him to our neighborhoods and to the nations around the world.
500,000 stateside believers, 2000+ churches 37 languages
Around the world, the Alliance family celebrates Jesus. As one of our own says, "There is no heart He cannot reach, no wound He cannot heal, no bondage He cannot break..." Jesus said He came for the sick, not the well (Mark 2:17), and we've experienced His divine restoration. That's why we're passionate to take His good news--in word and deed--to those desperate for hope in every segment of our broken world.
B. Committed to the Cause
In the U.S. ALLIANCE, out of every dollar given in the U.S., 12¢ was invested in
overseas ministry. #1 in the U.S.
#2 Free Methodist Church -- 9¢
#3 Evangelical Congregational Church -- 8¢
#4 Church of the Nazarene -- 6¢
#17 Southern Baptist Convention -- 2¢
cmaChurch of Morgantown
21% of total giving
21¢ on every dollar
We Are Full Participants
C. That we should walk in them.
For our church that will always mean an active role in how God is advancing his kingdom through the global work of THEALLIANCE.
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