Our Rose Colored Glasses Series
Contributed by Bill Lyle on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A Study in First Peter
What do we have that is of “Great Worth” to us?
I. “In this you greatly rejoice…” 1 Peter 1.6
A. Rejoice defined – verb, joy that springs up from the soul after careful thought
B. The paradox of Christian Joy.
C. Joy seen in the Bible:
1. It is a present joy
2. It is a joy from many sources
3. It is a joy with a strong foundation
II. The Christian’s trials
A. Notice it states, “a little while”
B. Notice is states, “may” or “if necessary” – Why?
1. Trials do serve a purpose. – Acts 14.22
2. Trials drive you to repentance – 1 Corinthians 11.30-32
3. Trials keep us from sins (hedge of thorns) – John 17
4. Trials humble us – 2 Corinthians 12.7-10
5. Trials help wean us from the world – Job 19.25-27
6. Trials help ‘prove’ us – Romans 5.3
7. Trials make us holy – John 16.33
8. Trials (sometimes) are discipline from God 1 Corinthians 11.30
9. Trials happen so that God will receive Glory – John 9.1-3*
III. Reasons to Rejoice in Trials and their purpose
A. If trials strengthen our faith – the application would be that trials and suffering burn away our self-reliance and promote reliance on God.
B. If trials help us look forward to the glory we will experience when Jesus comes to restore us – the application would be that trials and suffering teach s not to be so comfortable or dependent upon this life.
C. If trials prove us – the application would be trials and sufferings are the only way we can grow.
D. If trials help us resist worldly desires – the application would be trials and suffering help us see the futility of worldly desires so we can devote ourselves to God.
IV. So why 1 Peter 1.6-7?
A. Remember our troubles last only for a little while; our hope in Jesus is forever!
B. God is in the business of working in your life – to make you more like Jesus
C. The crowns we earn in the fire will be the very crowns we cast at the feet of Jesus.