
Summary: listening is an art and a lot of people do not have the gift.

Help Wanted: Relationship or Religion part Two

listening for God and to others

James 1:19-25

Good morning everyone, glad that you have joined us this morning.

If you would turn in your bibles to James chapter 1:19-25 Read from Bible

We started a series last week entitled Help Wanted: Relationship or Religion.

We first looked at the difference between relationship and religion and then in the different areas of our lives that would be affected.

Last week we looked at wisdom. The difference between Godly wisdom and worldly wisdom.

This week I want to look at listening. Huh? Selective hearing doesn’t count.

What does James tell the church about listening and the importance of not only listening but responding after you heard what was said.

Listening is an art and a lot of people do not have the art of listening.

God is very involved in the lives of His people, developing and refining Christ-like character in each of us.

Apostle Peter and James each have a job to do in the church with believers to get them where they need to be and do the things that we are each called to in a way that brings honor and glory to the Lord.

Peter wants us to grow – Spiritually grow to be who God intended us to be.

James wants us to make application of God’s word. Take and apply His principals to our lives.

1 Peter 2:2-

“Like new born babies desire the pure milk of the word in order that you may grow.”

Growing is a part of healthy living for the Lord

if you are not growing, you are stagnant. If you are standing still, you are falling backwards.

Hearing what God has to say about areas of our lives is healthy


“Take note of this, everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.”

Our text this morning / 3 points He brings out in the text

quick to listen

Slow to speak

slow to become angry

James says take note- how many are taking notes from God’s word? James is saying this is important enough to be writing down. You will need it later.

I don’t know about you but I forget a lot of things if I don’t write it down. I am that guy that walks into the kitchen and forgets what he walked in there for.

I am the guy who has good intentions and will say many times…I know that I was suppose to tell you something. I will remember and get back to you.

Take note church, we are living in an informational age and we are flooded with voices and opinions and when we get a nugget of truth from God’s word or from one of Gods servants, we need to write it down so that we can remember it and apply it to our lives as needed.

2 Ears one mouth-

Twice as much listening as we do speaking.

Most people only stop talking long enough to catch a breath and are not listening. They are concentrating on what they will say once the opportunity comes to them again. We are not listening to hear, we are listening to get our point across and have the other person listening to us.

If two people are talking and nobody is listening, that is not a conversation…it is a speech that nobody is listening too.

Ernest Hemingway- “When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen".

Andrew Grove- “How well we communicate is not determined by how well we say things but how well we are understood"

Agatha Christie- "An appreciative listener is always stimulating".

Points to listening

Listen at least as much as you talk. ...

Listening is a sign of respect. ...

Never stop listening. ...

Learn by listening. ...

Listening open and actively. ...

Learn to bite your tongue. ...

Don't try to multitask. ...

Use your eyes and your ears.

The Book of James has much character-shaping wisdom for us to receive and apply to our lives, including:

“Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only” Don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. (v.22)

Quick to listen (James says)

First Priority - Listening for God (Always have a listening ear to the things of God)

God speaks to us daily … are we listening?

James says- Take note- Are you taking notes when God speaks to you?

According to many Christian beliefs, God speaks to us in many ways, including:

Through the Bible: God speaks to us through the Bible, which is considered His greatest love letter. The Bible is said to be profitable for teaching, correction, and training in righteousness.

Through events: God can speak to us through events and circumstances, guiding us and helping us to grow spiritually.

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