Judas: A Wolf Among Sheep Series
Contributed by Keith Crouch on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This the second in the series that takes a look at the betrayl of Jesus by Judas Iscariot.
Judas: A Wolf Among Sheep
Matthew 26:14:16; Matthew 16:26
I. Judas Betrayed Due to Blindness (v. 14a)
A. He was blind to the plan of God
B. He was blind to his real need (II Cor. 4:3)
1. His eyes were blinded to who Jesus was
2. His heart was blinded to what Jesus offered
3. His soul was doomed due to his rejection of the Savior
C. He was blind due to Satan (II Cor. 4:4)
1. Because of the emptiness of his heart Satan moved in
2. Satan distorted his view of Jesus
II. Judas Betrayed Due to Greed (v. 15)
A. He was greedy for material wealth
1. He was a thief (John 12:6)
2. His desire was greater for money than for a relationship with Jesus.
3. He put a price on his soul
B. He was greedy for recognition from men (Gal. 1:10)
1. Due to an empty heart
2. Due to a lust for power
3. Due to his misplaced priorities
C. He was greedy for the things of the world
1. His mind was on earthly things
2. His sight did not see into eternity
3. His motives were selfish
III. Judas Betrayed Due to Desire (v. 16)
A. His desire was not for Jesus (Luke 9:23-26)
To Be a True Disciple Means:
• Dying to self daily
• It takes a total commitment of self
• It takes a daily commitment
B. His desire was toward sin (Rom. 1:28-32)
1. He became a reprobate
2. His conscience became seared
3. He made himself an enemy of God
C. His desire had eternal consequences (Rom. 3:23)
1. He collected only a down payment of his wages (30 pieces of silver
2. He would eventually collect his full payment
“…the wages of sin is death…”