How Great Is Our God! | Job 38 – 42:6 Series
Contributed by Shine Thomas on Dec 28, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Have you ever wondered about the greatness of our God? God’s nature, deeds, and attributes are incomparable.
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Job 38 – Job 42:6 | How Great Is Our God!
Have you ever wondered about the greatness of our God? God’s nature, deeds, and attributes are incomparable. What we see around in nature is only a glimpse of God’s greatness. Our God is all-knowing. Secondly, Our God is all-powerful. Thirdly, Our God is all-present. When you think about the greatness of God, you can’t help but surrender in worship.
Job had been lying in unrelieved misery for months. He had been dealing with death of his 10 children and to make matters worse Job had open sores all over his body. All of his wealth had vanished in one afternoon.
Initially, Job responded in great faith and amazing submission:
He said, “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord. Shall we receive good at the hand of the Lord, and shall we not receive evil?”
Job had become repulsive to his wife, loathsome to his brothers, and even little children despised him as he lay on the ash heap outside of town.
As the misery drug out over the months, Job wavered in his confidence that God was for him. Job cursed the day of his birth. When Job’s three friends came and accused Job and his children of sinning against God, Job defended himself and in the process said things about God that were not true.
Job said that God is treating him as an enemy.
Elihu comes in and rebukes Job.
Elihu said, “Job is a righteous man, though not perfect, and that he is loved by God. God is not treating him as his enemy but as his child and friend.”
Elihu said that the purpose of Job’s trials were to refine Job’s righteousness.
A Gathering Storm and God’s Rebuke of Job
Toward the end of Elihu’s speech (32–37) a thunderstorm had gathered on the horizon and filled him with awe. God approached in this storm and brings Elihu’s words to a close. Out of the whirlwind comes the voice of God to Job in chapters 38.
Job 38:1-2 1Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said: 2“Who is this that obscures my plans with words without knowledge?
Elihu is the first part of Job’s answer for suffering and God’s words out of the whirlwind is the second part of answer to Job in his suffering.
God is in fact continuing what Elihu spoke. “If one needs to hear from God, one need some clear theology taught by some godly teacher and one need to hear from God.”
When God shows up it is terrifying
Let’s see what God have to say to Job?
Job Is On Trial Before God
Job 38:3 Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.
God is telling Job, “You have been questioning me for long. Now it is time for you Job to be put on trial.” It’s time for God to be the questioning attorney. Then God beings a long interrogation.
God Makes Two speeches:
First God Tells How Ignorant Job Is
Job has not forced God to speak. God does not defend his justice in the speech. But God takes a different approach altogether. What God is doing is trying to demonstrate is the complexity of the created world.
God deals with a lot of issues that are on the edge, the extreme areas of the ordered world, things that human beings did not understand very well. By showing the complexity of the world, God is demonstrating Job’s ignorance of how it works.
Job’s three friends had been talking about God’s justice but God does not take that route at all. God tells Job that there are things in the created order that Job cannot understand, then how can he understand the creator God?
First God focuses on the earth.
Job 38:4-7 4“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. 5Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? 6On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone—7while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?
You weren’t there, Job when I laid the earth’s foundation, and you don’t know how I did it. You cannot lay it today if you wanted to.
God Focuses On The Sea And Its Boundaries
Job 38:8-11 8“Who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb, 9when I made the clouds its garment and wrapped it in thick darkness, 10when I fixed limits for it and set its doors and bars in place, 11when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt’?