
Summary: There is a common desire within every person to feel successful isn’t it? Nobody wants to fail whether it’s in life, their business/employment, or their church. And sadly, we often measure our worth on the basis of how successful we are. As we will be re

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There is a common desire within every person to feel successful isn’t it? Nobody wants to fail whether it’s in life, their business/employment, or their church. And sadly, we often measure our worth on the basis of how successful we are.

By the world’s standard, success often means luxury, wealth, and possessions, achievements, notoriety, and fame, beauty, and brains. But when seeing one of these who have supposedly achieved that success, they are anything but happy!

As we will be reminded today, God’s standard of measurement is nothing like the world’s standard.


Last week, I had two doctor’s appointments on the same day. But after going to the first one, I was too early for the next one and yet didn’t have time to go back to the office. So I went into one store just killing some time.

Walking through the Book Section, these were the titles I observed. 1. We become what we think about. 2. Decide exactly what you want. 3. Determine the price you have to pay. 4. Commit to pay the price. 5. Work hard, one day at a time. 6. Never give up.

There was another book on success nearby that had 3 formulas for success, similar to the first one.

(What was really interesting is where I found the books: on the clearance table.)

God’s formula for success is completely unlike the world’s formula. And His formula works for every person, in every situation, whether it’s at school, in one’s business, our families, or our church. The pathway to success cannot be traveled by anyone who does not practice God’s formula for success.

These principles are taken from Joshua 1:6-9. There are more than 3, but I want to focus on 3.



A. Real Strength and Real Courage Like… (that of…)

David -- walked into the Valley of Elah -- sling and few rocks stand against Goliath

Moses -- stands eye to eye with Pharaoh.

Elijah -- when he challenges the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel.

‘if the Lord is God – follow Him’ ‘if Ba-el if God – follow Him’

(I could really update this struggle of idolatry couldn’t I?)

Joshua needs that same strength to lead God’s people.

1. Joshua remembered the struggles of Moses who had the same command

- READ DEUT. 1.26-32

Now he is told in vs. 6) ‘you will lead these people…’

2. QUOTE: Anonymous

A writer said “Courage can only be seen in the midst of ‘conflict and struggle’ when it would be easier to throw up your hands and just quit.”

APPLICATION; Just like Joshua and the Nation is Israel…

1. God is calling today saying “Be Strong and Courageous” to do the task at hand.

a) In Acts 1.8, “…you will be my witness”.

b) 1 Cor. 12, Rom. 12, Eph, 4, - learned how to prepare to be that witness

2. Today, when it’s easier to Quit, or Sit, or Become Status-Quo, God is saying…

a) Be strong and courageous (an ongoing command)

b) You may think you are too small to make a difference,

c) You may think you are insignificant

d) But I’ve called you for lead in this task making a difference in Newnan!

Be Strong and Be Courageous!



3 Parts to this charge!

1. ‘obey all the law’

a. The Law: The 5 books of Moses

b. Not part (… the part we like) but ALL OF IT! God’s power through His Word.

c. God was reminding Joshua that a greater strength of character would be required for the task at hand!

2. ‘do not turn from it to the right or to the left’

a. Grounded/focused -- not subject to worldly influence.

b. Understanding the difference between ‘mans fence’ and ‘Gods fence’

- Man’s fence allows one to be influenced to suit the situation

- God’s fence gives one the courage & strength to make a stand! (grounded and thus not easily swayed from one side to the other!

3. ‘meditate on it day and night’

a. Don’t skim it –read it!

b. Don’t just read it, pray on it – ponder it – ask God’s enlightenment on it

APPLICATION: What is it God is saying to you through this passage?

- Like Moses taught Joshua – Paul taught Timothy

READ 2 Timothy 3.15-17 (focusing on vs. 16)

- God’s Word -- The #1 best seller is still the #1 best seller because it’s the ‘LIVING, BREATHING, INSPIRED WORK OF GOD”

- But it’s NOT AUTOMATIC – God’s Wisdom is available to all but NOT AUTOMATIC.

1. Read, memorize and learn to obey all of it

2. Become grounded according to His Precepts

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