
Summary: The Great Commission

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The Motives for Evangelism

For God.

- Motivated by his Character.

- Motivated by his love.

For the Lost

Apollymi means “Destroy.”

Luke 2, it describes Zaccheaus as someone who was “missing out.”

Luke 5:37…”ruined”

Luke 15:4-6…”disoriented”

Luke 4:34…”eternal destruction.”

“The lost describes people who are missing out on the real purpose of life and they are ruining their lives and all the while they are disoriented and confused in darkness and headed for eternal destruction.”

"...Personal evangelism is primary in the plan of God to reach lost people. This is obvious in the practice of the early church. Jesus won Andrew, who told Peter. Jesus won the woman at the well, who told others in the city. Therefore, personal evangelism is the single most effective way to reach the world for Christ…Why is evangelism important? Because it is important to God! he did not spare his son for you and me. should not our priorities be similar to His?” Andy Reid

C. Motives of the sinner

1. Coming to Christ…Giving passengers on a plane/parachutes.

2. do they respond for the right reason? Righteousness!

Evangelism: Points to Consider

Evangelism is a lifestyle…you cannot separate it from the life of a believer.

Evangelism is a movement, not a method. Therefore, there is no one specific way to do it, other than obeying the Holy Spirit’s lead.

Prayer is of utmost importance. “Nothing of eternal significance occurs apart from prayer.” (Jerry Falwell)

Success in evangelism is founded upon obedience, not the number of souls converted. A ministry based on love is never a failure.

Evangelism is conducted through either word or deed.

Personal servant evangelism is the best mode of leading someone to the gospel

Roman 1:16…be unashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes.

Studies have indicated people need to hear the gospel 7.6 times before they respond. This may mean when you witness to someone, if they do not respond, that does not reflect on you being a failure in anyway. The seed is planted by your obedience to God’s call, focus on that.

Barriers to Evangelism

Romans 10:4

Those who talk about the lost and those who talk to the lost…which one are you?


Rejection…Romans 10:17

We are often concerned with how many people we are winning over to Christ. This is a numbers game.

The central focus needs to be our obedience to The Holy spirit.

Successful evangelism is sharing your faith.

Barna research group has indicated people need to hear the gospel message an average of 7.6 times before responding. Typically, people begin with the hostile rejection of the message and go thru stages until acceptance.

Fears of what friends and family will think

What do they think of you now?

This fear is more about persecution than anything else.

John 15:18-22, 1 Thess. 4:8…it isn’t personal. They are not rejecting you, they are rejecting Christ Jesus…because of Christ, we are hated by the world and persecutions will come b/c Christ convicts the world of sin.

Fear of not knowing enough

Nate the genius/Mensa Test/Tore religions until he met a Christian.

The majority of believers who use this excuse are “seasoned believers”.

Read your bible!

Counter attacks

The two greatest spiritual disciples are…ministry of the Word and prayer.

Prayer…communicating with God. Prayer is intimate. It is knowing the heart of God, His will for your life.

The Word of God..our bread for life…

it is essential for our survival.

Romans 1:16…when we share the gospel, we are releasing the power of God to transform lives.

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