G.p.s. Series
Contributed by Shawn Drake on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 2nd sermon in the series "Pot Holes". God plugs in the information, will you follow?
Sunday Morning July 5, 2009
Bel Aire Baptist Church
Series: Pot Holes [#2]
1 Samuel 9:1-10:27
As you are driving to your destination, it always helps to know how to get there. Have you ever gone somewhere that you didn’t have directions to? If you have a man with you, you are really in trouble; because most men refuse to ask for directions, (including me). I would rather wander around for days than ask for directions.
When Dale, Tharon, and I went to the Disability Swimming Championships in Cincinnati, Ohio; Dale brought his G.P.S. (Global Positioning System). Now I must admit that for years I have said that I didn’t need one of those because it was the same as asking directions; but since Dale has one it must be o.k., and it helped a lot. This year for Father’s Day I got a G.P.S. system and I must say that it is extremely helpful. You can set it to several different voice options, (I chose a female voice because I’m accustomed to a female telling me where to go); and she will tell you when to turn. If you miss your turn, she will just say recalculating, and will give you new directions. You can plug in a type of restaurant, park, attraction, etc… and she will give you your options and then tell you how to get there. One of the interesting things I learned about using a G.P.S. system is that I became so dependent upon the G.P.S. that without it, I was lost.
This morning I want to look at a different G.P.S.- God’s Positioning System. I am here to tell you that without this G.P.S. you will surely fail. We live in a nation that often goes its own direction. Our homes and our churches are filled with people that all go their own directions; and the result is not good. In their stubborn rebellion against God, the Israelites asked for a king, and God gave them their request. God gave them a king not only to meet their needs but to also discipline them. He wanted to teach them some lessons about who was in charge and what their responsibility to Him was.
God has a purpose for each of us and as long as God is directing us, we will not hit the potholes. In 1 Samuel 9, we learn of a young man by name of Saul who was sent with one of his father’s servants to find some missing donkeys. Saul and the servant had traveled for a ways and had not found the donkeys so Saul told the servant that they should turn around so his father wouldn’t get worried about them; but the servant had a different plan. The servant suggested that they go ask the man of God that lived in a nearby town if he could tell them where their donkeys were. So they went to find Samuel and on the way they met some girls and they asked them. The girls told them to hurry up to the high place and catch Samuel before he blessed the sacrifices. Once he did that, he would then eat with those that were invited.
1 Samuel 9:15-27
I want you to see this morning that the God has a plan for you and he will do all that is necessary for you to fulfill that.
God’s Positioning System uses…
1. Your location.
God chose your parents, where you live, your economic status, your circumstances, etc… Saul came from a leading family within the small Tribe of Benjamin. You live here or are visiting here on purpose.
God’s Positioning System uses…
2. Your physical attributes.
In a world that is extremely concerned about looks, we sometimes forget that God made us like He wants us to look. Now that doesn’t mean that we are not supposed to take care of our bodies. Our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and we are supposed to take care of it, but if your ears are too big (like mine) or you’re too tall or too short, etc…; that must be how God wanted you to look. Saul was physically strong and attractive. God can use our appearance as part of the plan. The people needed someone that looked the part so they would follow and God knew that.
Psalm 139:13-16 (NIV)
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”