Fear Not Series
Contributed by Pastor Dempsey Daniels on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Fear Not
A.Times when God Seems SsLOW
1. Sometimes God seems to be moving at high speeds
2. At other times it seems that He is so slow in His program
a. The four hundred years of silence between testaments
b. Words of the prophets must have seemed vain
B. The whirlwind pace then and now
1. Angels sent on special errands
2. John the Baptist to be born...other miracles
C. Suddenly those who had waited were crippled with fear
1. The fear of the unexpected
A. "Fear not, Mary"
B. Mary’s life up to then very normal
1.Growing up...dreaming romantic dreams like all girls
2. Kept herself right with God
3. She was engaged and anticipated marriage
C. What is this that has entered her peaceful harbor to make waves? She was troubled at his saying
1. Easy to panic at the unexpected
2. The best made plans may go wrong
3. SOME FEAR ALL INTERRUPTIONS: Every phone call a threat, every letter opened fearful
D. But what good news the angel brought that day
E. She had found favor with God and would be part of a miracle
2. The Fear of Personal Loss
A. Joseph and Mary...all had dreamed about or hoped for
B. Then the awful blow: Mary was with child
2. His castles tumble
3. He thought he would lose Mary
4. How real these fears are: our children or other family members
C. Notice that Joseph was not afraid of the angel...but of loss
D. We nay fear personal loss
1. Loss of money
2. Loss of home
3. Loss of name
E. How this holds back blessings
1. Afraid to risk love
2. Afraid to risk investment
3. Afraid to live
F. Joseph would not lose Mary and would gain more than he had ever imagined
3. The fear of meeting God
A. The fearful shepherds
B. Their fear was because of the glory of the LRD
C. Many have shared thhat fear and awe
1. Abraham, Job, Isaiah, Peter
2. They must have faced their sins
D. You may fear meeting God
E. But here’s good new: God loves you and sent His Son to be your Savior