Discipleship, Ministry & Mission Series
Contributed by Dan Brown on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Relfecting Christ to the world around us through living out our calling.
EPIC-11/9/03-40 Days-Discipleship, Ministry & Mission
Metaphor of the mirror-reflect X, His glory, character, attitude, nature.
Purpose Clip-40 days
Purpose that gives us hope
Purpose that gives us passion
Purpose that gives us reason to live
Purpose that gives life meaning
Must discover our purpose-that’s what these 40 days have been about.
w/ out purpose life is meaningless.
#1-Worship-Created for God’s pleasure
#2-Fellowship-Formed for God’s family
Tonight #3-5-Easier than I thought because 4&5 are a part of doing #3-
Discipleship, Ministry, & Mission
If we are becoming like X we will serve in ministry & carry out our mission.
Discipleship-Phil 2:5-You’re attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had.
About having the heart, mind, attitude of X-becoming like Him from the inside out.
Rom. 12:2 says it this way-Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person.
What does that look like-Eph. 4-lead a life worthy of our calling
Allow for each others faults
That’s becoming like Christ in our character-
Also in our actions, through serving-Ministry
Vs. 7 gave each one gifts-
Vs. 11-partial list of some gifts-those w/ these gifts equip the body to serve- “do His work & build up the church”
Result-unity, maturity, X-like
Says it again in vs. 15-When we serve & build up the body we become more like X.
Vs. 16-why it’s so important-X put us together, put you in this body, fitted together perfectly.
Each part does it’s work, & helps the others grow
So we are healthy & growing and full of love.
Discover your shape-Network class, FROGS team
App. Point-papers w/ shapes on them, if you don’t have any idea what your shape is, how you have been specifically shaped by God for service-take one write your name on it as a commitment between you and God that you will do all you can to discover your shape-Network, FROGS
If you feel you know your shape-find where you fit
Mission-fulfill your mission in the world-
What is that-Matt. 28:19-20-we sometimes call it the great commission (everyday commission)
Share the gospel-make disciples
I Peter 3:13-16-live life as an act of worship-all for His glory- & when someone asks about your faith-be ready to answer-
Again in a way that is honoring to God-gentle and respectful-don’t argue anyone into the kingdom.
Making disciples as we go through life
App. Point-Bowl @ back-write name of someone that God is calling you to share your faith w/ & then put that name in the bowl, as we leave take a piece of paper and commit to pray for that person on the paper and whoever is going to share w/ them.